Wars and Growth. They're not mutually exclusive.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TF_Nightmare-Moon, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. I noticed something on the latest Summer Promotions Post that bugged the crap out of me, and I believe this is the best forum to post it to.

    Multiple people were complaining about the lack of things to do for big clans, and the first one was very concisely handled by Kaw_admin with a single word: War.

    However, several people refused to be pleased with that answer, and insisted that war does not help you grow. This is only the latest of several occasions where I've noticed people complaining about war's tendency to prevent growth.

    This post is a counter-argument to that complaint.

    War, by its very nature, separates the good clans from the bad clans. Even if a clan is slightly smaller/weaker than its opponent, it's possible that the clan may win with proper organization, and the winner is recognized through prestige and sometimes even a few little items.

    As your clan becomes better at wars, it goes up the prestige lb, and if its good enough, it may even receive some forum recognition, and therefore it will grow as some players get excited at the prospect of being one the members in this new rising group.

    In conclusion, wars can lead to growth.
  2. / ͟༗ ͟\vvv: Wars help you grow your kingdom in all sorts of ways as well, you really get a good bonus with that level 5 EE ;)

  3. Not sure what's going on with your code there at the beginning (I'm on PC), but this is another excellent reason why System Wars help you out. Thank you very much Hand of God.
  4. Just to add this (not agreeing on either side) there isn't to much strategy in war in this game to do much.
  5. War is great
  6. Q:Can Wars Lead To Growth?

    A:Considering The Whole Point Of This Game Is To Ruin Someone's Day By Screwing Their Kingdom……

    Oh Yes Wars Are Good…

  7. I beg to differ. I'm not the biggest player, and I'm definitely an EB player, no doubt about it. But anyone who has been in an OSW, or even a higher-level SW, can tell you that there's strategy if you want to win. Although, after checking your stats, I can forgive your lack of experience in this matter.
  8. I wish I was here in 2009 so whenever people complain about that I'll be like "noob"
  9. IMO wars help a clan grow just as quick as EB non stop from the static BFE they offer. Each win your clanmates are doing millions in static BFE upgrades. However I have yet to find out how to grow my kingdom during EE wars, other than each ally that sells buy an ally in the price range higher.
  10. Half of my stats are from war, I went inactive for a long time a while after EBs came out, I agree it is hard to grow in war but it is possible
  11. Dring, you're a lot smaller than me. It's a little different for kingdoms my size and yours to grow. Not to mention I'm not willing to bank and unbank in pots/bars to do it.
  12. But back then when there were no EBs there were people with stats almost like yours, butt those stats were not possible back then
  13. Reread the OP again, it was made clear to me he was talking about EE wars.
  14. Those stats weren't possible for periods during EBs ding.

  15. Eric is correct. OSW's, while mentioned in a comment, were not part of my original point here.

    However, I would like to add that I'm not talking purely about personal growth, at least not directly.

    When a clan grows, all members benefit from that growth. Would one not benefit more from a tier-7 EB that takes 50 or 60 decent members than a tier-2 that you can handle by yourself?

  16. / ͟༗ ͟\vvv: What?? When EE started you had huge war rosters, have you tried to track 50 people in a war? Lets say OSW tracking sleeping patterns, not TZ but Sleeping patterns, By quests,wins,loses. There isn't much strategy to tapping eb's but there is a lot to other parts of the gaming, like finding out how many steals it takes for a GH to clear someone(Bit of math), but anyway back to system wars. War Commanders have to look at both rosters and make teams and see who can hit who and who should be hitting who, at what point in the war to use crystals to gain the upper hand all of this is strategy my friend.
  17. / ͟༗ ͟\vvv: It's my signature :p so people can see which Hand of God i am.
  18. I don't get it...
  19. @nightmare, you dont even have 12hl... stop derogating other ppl...

  20. Wasn't meant to be derogatory, I actually meant that I could excuse his ignorance without hounding him about it.