
Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIIDIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIBIII, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Ok, so I'm sure we've all seen what warring has turned into-a combination of a bunch of gh/sh's with big attack builds. There's no room for mid builds that try to war now, and when they do try to war they are called "leakers", and are sometimes dominated by the heavy attack builds. It's really stupid to see that guild hansels were attempted to be "nuked" in a sense by the devs, but they are still heavily used in almost every single warring clan. (Or now they have found a way around it with the SOS builds...) The mid builds can't do anything about the gh/sh's since we get crap from them, but they get a lot from us!!

    First idea: Either their plunder needs to be lowered even more, or higher builds should get more from them. I think that this would be more fair for mid builds that actually grow, cuz they would be worth just as much as sh's/gh's, maybe even more (which would make sense with a huge stat difference).

    Second idea: My second idea is kind of a stretch, but this crossed my mind after our loss to Udder Madness a couple hours ago... Devs could make "leagues" or something for certain stat ranges, so that the heavy attack builds are together against one another and mid builds against one another and so on. This would eliminate the Heavy attack build-gh/sh combination, and would definitely make better match-ups. These "Leagues" could be a separate thing from your clan, so that you could stay in the same clan, just the "League teams" would be how you war.

    My third idea is simple, and is kinda controversial now that I think about it since it would mean a lower amount of hits, but it would be to lower the hit range of each build so that guild hansels can't somehow get through an 8m defense person (I've seen this happen), and heavy attack builds can't just unload and take advantage of the mid builds that are a lot lower than them.

    My last idea is kinda similar to my idea of having leagues, which would be to have a whole different war for mid-builds, where they could war against each other without bring shunned by clans or getting killed by heavy attack buildings.

    I know that these may not be the best ideas and they're mostly for Mid-builds, but I'm open for suggestions and additions to what I've stated. Thanks for reading, and happy kawing 
  2. Bro if you wanna be mid sized stick to eb or osw. If u wanna war either grow or downsize. Its not that hard.
  3. Ur posting the same argument and solutions that have been said before just follow the guy above me advice and grow or downsize and stop complaining
  4. Ok well it's stupid that this is happening, so maybe the devs will actually listen to what I'm saying for once
  5. No, there's no point down sizing. As the devs had said they don't want people to not grow they want people to grow. If people keep downsizing the game turns to ****.

    And you see what all this downsizing has done? Look at all the no matches. Look at them all. You know why? Stacked SH/GH and a couple LB. and they fail to get a match. Why? As they said the hit ratio was too hard for their algorithm to match them with anyone so no match. Aside the few unlucky ones who got no match because there was no decent match for them, those who stack smalls with LB will start constantly getting no match
  6. U shouldnt have to grow or down size to war, that agurment is invalid!!!! It should be fair. Downsizing is like sayin my ***** is too big lets take a cpl inches off, how many girls have u told need a boob reduction?????
  7. Thank you rikki, it's been so annoying seeing the clans that beat us are the people with 10-15 gh/sh's... We can't match that, cuz even when we try to hit them we are getting crap. I'm not about to downsize my build, cuz I've spent a lot of time on this and I'm not about to ruin it by going down to lvl 1 SOS's.
  8. Well since I'm not eying anywhere really since I'm warring I've torn down all my towers and am building up my attack power until I'm ready to war with a heavy attack build