A warning to all you forum noobs out there. From here on out, when I see someone quote a long op comment and at the end say jack squat, you're gonna get smacked around a bit. We all read the op statement. No need to quote it for any reason IMO. The worst case of this was done by quigamalathedestroyer who quoted sean893's super long eB thread and at the bottom just said "Eh?". As long as you're not in Apoc alliance or buy me beer regularly, there shall be no mercy for you low life varmints. Also don't go crying that I'm just some big, bad bully hitting smaller accounts. You should have thought about how weak and noobish you are before you post on the forums. Let's curb ourselves of this habit and bring some readability back to threads.
Depends on the thread. Likes seans is serious so yea dont. But some threads r just stupid n bound to have /GetEagled Happen n i dont c a prob trolling their threads
Like Majoras_Mask and now quigamalathedestroyer on Epic Battle: Trials of Destiny thread? FULL 100% SUPPORT Frog
Agree 100% I have not seen an orange promotion in forever.....its about time the devs give us a few forum mods