Discussion in 'Wars' started by ------S-e-R-a-p-H------, May 25, 2012.

  1. warriorprophet8 you dirty hobo trying to steal my thunder? He's got 3 clans under his belt,


    You will be served warrior
  2. ..??? This makes no sense. ATTENTION TROLLS
  3. I remember when I wrecked clans...
  4. NEW TOPIC
    Pandas vs Sloths
  5. Op you sir fail at all aspects of life
  6. PANDAS FTW!!!!!
  7. You guys should destroy each others' clans 
  8. You not the only person that can destroy clans. It's actually pretty easy.
  9. Melissa answers Waramen's call and hangs up.
  10. Herp derp. Iv disbanded 3 clans too, but that doesn't mean copying you. He proly just thinks its fun too.
  11. Was this threads purpose to hate on you, or warriorprophet8?
  12. And this is what, the fourth pointless thread you've made in the past three days?
  13. He pretty much thinks that he's the first to destroy clans. I don't think he realized this game has been going on for almost 3 years now
  14. I've disbanded a few clans, but I bought them myself.

    Waramen, you're such a wannabe it makes me sad.