
Discussion in 'Wars' started by iNTeR___Psycho-Humper___MaSS, May 15, 2013.

  1. So i have been thinking about how the war system doesn't give out anymore rewards.

    I have found a way for mith to be re-installed into the current war system.

    So you know when you are in a clan and click "Clan Search" and the little tab that says "Rival Clans"? If you declare war on any of those clans i think you should get a mith payout for winning. This would stop the exploit from clans warring osfs to earn easy and cheap mith becuase they would be fighting someone their size and that would be striving to the same goal. They would also have around the same accumulated strength as your clan so it would be a pretty even war.

    But then all wars for mith would have to have rosters locked right when the war is declared so one clan cant stack then accept the war and have rosters uneven. It would also make it impossible for active memebers in the war to leave until X amount of hours have passed.

    Example- 24 hour war, cant leave until 8 hours in or so. But they can be droped 4 hours in or whatever.

    Yes not a very good idea but could make it easier for people like me to gain mith.
    (people like me who cant war)

    please help me improve this idea, any critisim is welcome.
  2. Haha someone made a thread just like this a few weeks ago, but regardless it's a good idea, I support
  3. Support 
  4. Can be exploited easily, no support.
  5. Aang that was also me. hahaha sorry but im just advertising the idea further, sorry if this is "spam" but i will try again next month.

    It seems none of my threads ever get looked at by many people.

    And this time I added BB codes
  6. Worm please tell me how this can be "easily exploited" dont just say it.
  7. Load up 5 OSF on one side, make clan on other side then make the OSF side match the strength number of other side. Free mith that can be farmed away easily.
  8. Chances of 5 osfs being as strong as loaded clan with the mech's of the game now? Hardly
  9. Alts or rotating players through OSF side? This would be abused very easily.
  10. As i said most people dont have alts that can bump a clan up to be as strong as their home clan. Im not saying its impossible.

    i have 2 other active accounts and one is bigger and one is way smaller.
  11. Better yet lets take an alliance we will use WDGAF for example, puts 20 big OSF and fills the rest of clan with alts. Every clan in alliance gets a turn with OSF clan and it keeps rotating, how is that not being abused?
  12. Well mister exploit, do you have a way to fix this?
  13. Yep matchups have to be random if it involves mith, so devs gave us EE wars.
  14. I can see both sides. But like any new thing the Devs implement someone always finds a way to exploit it or give themselves an advantage somehow.

    But at least it's a well written and thought thread instead of a one liner
  15. To simply fix could they have to approve of the war after both sides accept?
  16. If they being devs then yes that could be a way to fix the problem.
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you were two "rival" clans, couldn't you just contact each other and move hitters to one side and osf to the other? Rival Clan list couldn't possibly update real time right? Isn't that another exploit?