
Discussion in 'Wars' started by EmperorDonal, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Hi guys in KaW I'm going to make clan and have OSW with someone I know in this game!Join my clan when I make!
  2. Guess girls arent welcome
  3. Sounds like op is saying girls can't war don't know if that's smart move or not
  4. Wall me if u want to join!
  5. Who are you warring?
  6. Fine dont answer...
  7. I think I'm gonna war this idiot after osw!
  8. ROJ_KingCathal_ROJ
  9. Let me in on this silver ;)
  10. I hate kingcathal. So does my old clan united world. They might help you out. If its the same kingcathal. He changed his tags a lot
  11. Whats his full name?