War Training

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -GoldWolf-, May 10, 2016.

  1. OSW Training/War Training

    Read Below to understand what this is about. :)

    Why this is made

    A few others and I have been in a couple of osw and lots of war and wanted to teach others how to do these things. We want to spread the PvP fever and to have more players ready to fight when needed.

    How To Join the training

    PM me on here and I will ask you a few question (not much) and then after that you are in :)

    Things we Ask you to have

    Items That are needed for any osw or war- at least 10k pots of each kind
    you need these things for the practice targets

    We will discuss all the things you need to know and need to osw and war by PM or a third party app.

    We Will Take About 10-25 players to train at a time. (About every day) it depends if it is through pm or not though. Dates for training will be announced if you want to learn. We Have Training until the 15th.


    Others u know who you are :)


    Congrats all new war ready players! Good luck on future wars!
    Thanks to everyone who helped train the now war ready players :D
  2. War/osw training today starts at 12pm EDT

    UPDATE** We have around 10 players that we are teaching today! Better than yesterday :) :D
  3. Don't be afraid join up if you really want to know how to war/osw :)
  4. You might want to switch 100 of each pot to 10k of each pot thoug

    Also not many people who don't pvp go on fourms, you'd get better responses In wc
  5. Ok thanks 
  6. Took you long enough to make a thread wolf 
  7. Gl with the programIf you need anyone to test your "new OSW Warriors" let me know :)
  8. Ikr lol 
  9. Ok thanks ️
  10. So far we have trained around 5 in the first day  was hoping for more but who knows maybe we will get more today and tomorrow lol
  11. Osw training.

    Hit someone.

    End of training.
  12. Straight from apoc hit someone once and you know how to osw....there you go we can all go home now
  13. If you don't hit someone the osw will never happen.
  14. Can you train me? I'm just an eb fairy
  15. Yeah 
  16. Comley fight me
  17. Update** currently looking for players who would like to "test" our graduates for about 10 min time periods!