War Tourney Trial...good ideas welcome

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. My 1st Tourney option:
    ASW style - leave clan n cast WOC


    Entrant levels:
    3 Round Robin Tiers - 2 TZ options to enter
    1) 30m> cs
    2) 20-29m cs
    3) 10-19m cs

    Duration is 2hrs
    20> vs 20> to have equal number of clans
    BFA/BFE on
    Random KO 7-10mins

    Bonus Mith rewards:
    above/beyond normal war payout
    KO - 5 mith
    50 actions - 5 mith
    75 actions - 10 mith
    100 actions - 25 mith
    150> - 50 mith
    FINALS Winners receive 200 Mith 4 Xtals

    Fee: each war
    2 xtals automatically turn into War xtals

    War times:
    A) Friday 6pm PDT
    Saturday 10am PDT
    Saturday 6pm PDT
    Finals for top 2 clans Sunday 12pm
    - 1st tiebreaker head2head
    - 2nd tiebreaker most plunder

    B) Thursday 2am PDT
    Friday 4pm PDT
    Friday 11pm PDT
    Finals for top 2 clans Saturday 2am PDT
    - 1st tiebreaker head2head
    - 2nd tiebreaker most plunder

    I believe both TZ's offer coverage globally.
    If not then input better times pls.

    Lkin forward to replies n tweaks 
  2. Support but add a smaller bracket
  3. Grow into a bigger bracket
  4. Its patterned somewhat after ASW.
    The top 10k overall status is removed to open up to a larger field already.
    Added incentive to grow to enter ASAP.
  5. Add smalls excluding MYname, too many noob in the 10-19m cs range, also bfa should be a faster. Some ssh have 10m static from bfa
  6. Support but add a sh bracket, no statless noobs
  7. 10m cs is a reasonable size for entry.
    ASW style rewards growth n IWars r available for smalls as well as new players.
    War Tourneys should be higher competitiveness vs preseason wars.
    Striving to grow for war is the incentive.

    The cs ranges r open for speculation but SH builds r not considered in this idea.
  8. there are a lot of people in the sh bracket
  9. So time to graduate for many
  10. Dropped from an 8m hansel to that little gh. Idiot
  11. The ASW aspect for this tourney requires build size. Some large BFA SH will not meet entry levels as in normal ASW 10k LB standard.
    As mentioned earlier this is open to a larger field of entrants as its currently presented.

    I suggest grow n be ready for these type of tourneys if it happens that is.
  12. I wish but the devs don't see sh as a legit build :/

    Edit: The devs call the sh build an exploit,
  13. ASW format is overall build size not if SH is legit.
    The cs bar must be set somewhere.
  14. A Primal Tourney idea could be designed by someone n posted here as well.

    Post any detailed war tourney for that matter
  15. I like it. SUPPORT
  16. The 6pm n 10pm PDT war times produce the most active wars it appears.
    Input your best PDT times for war n we can gauge active times more fully to help determine the best tourney start times.

  17. How do war only buildings for PvP/EE sound?
    Radical maybe but any ideas on them being implemented?
    Where? On new lands or existing lands?
    Wide open to discussion ️
  18. Tweaks n changes n input is welcome