Hit that reset button. It starts you off with 1T gold as long as you have at least 6 guilds. Trust me, it does
@Alt: I'm not that stupid... Nice try! I've been a hansel before when there was no EE OR EB Try to grow like that for once
Use ur spies to Assassinate, wouldnt worry about pinning other hansels go for KO ing their top guys in plunder- The whole goal is to get $. dont worry about your troops because alot of the time they save ur ass. Follow cc and follow up on the people that are KO'ing your clan. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a fool. Ive been bottom 5 in a clan of 70 and always get top 10 in plunder because i do the above.
Also Someone starts to pin u then self ko. After u call alot of attention to urself by getting knock outs u should self ko.