War timings

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Kingfisher0, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. Hello kaw admin,
    this thread i have made today just to complain about war timings, i am an asian and planned to participate in rancor season 2 and while i was trying to participate in pre-season wars i just realize all the war timings where either too early or too late wasn't able to catch much wars. Maybe this is the reason why most of the players complain that only few clans participates in wars because rest of the clans arn't able to compete to these times. Crystals might be a factor too but i don't think so that crystals are the only factor.
    BY mentioning all of the above i would like you to please conduct some wars time friendly to us asians too and probably many more others who have same complain, maybe be start another season with this current season or adjust few wars to benefit others?.
    If anyone supports me please post, and those who think i have made a useless thread then sorry its my first.
  2. sorry again about double post maybe something wrong with my pc o maybe it was becasue of lag
  3. I agree with the sentiment. I am in Scotland and have to stay up through to the early hours in order to participate in war. Didn't get to bed until nearly 5am this morning so I could join in with my clan mates.
  4. Times truely stink for UK! would help if devs realised that UK is on BST time not GMT!
  5. I agree with this. You don't have too have all UK/Asia/AU times, but rotation would be nice. Even though the majority of players live in the American time zones, there are a significant amount who don't.
  6. Totally agree with you its so hard to get a war and be activeall long.
    its always the night.
  7. It always late here as well.full support devs need to fix that
  8. You realize that theres wars at 3am n 6am here in america and those times suck for us but we dont complain. We either stay up n do them or we dont.

  9. hahaha tobi i am from asia almost all wars except saturday war are at night here so your point sorry buddy i dont agree with it.
  10. Total support for times that suit australia/asia/uk. Problem is less ppl equals harder match ups. I have said it before...i would be prepared to nominate as an individual for wars friendly to those timezones that the devs literally create matched clans for out of the nominations. a fair bit of development required i expect.
  11. Totally support - war times have a very strong US bias
  12. I am in europe; i cant war due to times
  13. Support !! Im from india and all wars leave 9-7 are early 4am in the morning it may be diff for all in my time zone
  14. I live season 2 times can actually war most of them unlike season 1 that had horrble times
  15. In Australia you get the 11am or something and a 9pm
  16. So... to be clear: Devs: Sacrifice your largest customer base, because some of us can't war, meaning a smaller percentage of your players can't use xtals. Fantastic business sense, jackasses.