War System is completely broken?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by B-_-Duskull99-_-F, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. I've just come back from a system war, and I got 9 mithril from it. Search Asharat Academy or 10th Legion if you wanna see the war's results. The thing is, can anyone explain why the mithril gains were all over the place? I mean, sometimes, it seemed as if plunder made a huge difference, and in other cases, it seemed as if successful actions was the deciding factor. Sometimes, smaller people got more mithril than bigger people, even though there wasn't much difference in successful actions and plunder. Can anyone explain all this?
  2. Based on how good u did for your stats.
  3. Its too difficult to tell. You'd have to know what actions in the 'successful actions' part were actually done. Because scouting is going to have actions but doesnt actually have much use, therefore giving you less mithril.
  4. What Rajang said