So it occurred to me maybe the reason a lot of people are not interested in Real Wars is because they don't understand them, or they don't know what all the CC means or stands for so here we go: Wars are started between two clans usually for a couple of reasons - One member farmed another member - They want to have a friendly war - They want to prove dominance over another clan Wars are declared by either clan and that sets off the whole thing. The other clan has to have its admins and owner accept the war and then there is a 24 hour waiting period. During this 24 hour waiting period a lot of people choose to pot up, and get there strip banks (if it is a strip war in order) usually a small scale war you need at least 500 of each defense pot some larger scale wars you could need upwards of a couple 1000. The War has begun!! First lets get some jargon out of the way. Pinned- When someone is DTW (Defender To Weak) Means there troops have fallen below 20% Strip - This is when you purchase another players allies hoping to expose gold and hits on the opposing player. Spy stealing away there gold. Very Effective against Pure Spy accounts with allies or someone who is inactive (but active in the war) and is not able to pin themselves leaving steals open for an extended period of time. Leak - This is what is when a person is not active (or sometimes is whoops!) And is getting attacked by the opposing clan giving them lots of plunder. Some techniques to avoiding this is - have your pure spys pin you while you are away. Another way is to have friends outside the war pin you. Regardless leaks win/lose wars. Sweeping - This is a form of attack, where you start at the top of the roster (or somewhere else) and checking to make sure everyone down the line is pinned. Reporting - Giving reports about who and when you are attacking - -Player A 4/4/9 assas p :45 - This is a standard format for reporting what you just did so that you can stay on top of timers. Lets break it down shall we? -- Player A - The player you attacked --4 - Succesful Attacks --4 - Attacks actually made on target --9 - Amount of Pots the Target had to use -- Assas - The Type of attack you did -- p/np - Wether the player is pinned or not pinned -- :45 - Time in which the pin occurred it is always xx:45 somewhere no matter where you are. Baiting - When you have someone purposefully bait a strip (requires a lot more explanation and will think about explaining it later) Some General Tips and Tricks -In a close fight keep your self pinned and pin your self on there players remember the more plunder you earn the better chance of winning (If you are pinned they can not get any gold from you) -Grouping - group your attacks. If you know someone is leaking exploit it. Go after them. -Divide up the roster - Sometimes if you have smaller groups for people to focus on you are able to keep a clan pinned down pretty well. -Be active! -Organize your strips get everyone on board and on the same page. (You don't have to completely strip someone to make it effective) You are just simply getting more plunder, not necessarily farming them into the ground. Buying 1 ally every now and then is much more effective than just buying them all. -Crystal together - Nothing is more frustrating than xtaling and being pinned right after. Have a large group do it all at once it could totally change the war. Leaving your opponents pinned and you with full troops to continue keeping them there. - Don't hit the join war button! It announces to the enemy you have joined the war! You will get pinned before you even get the chance to hit. Instead pick your target (that is already active in the war) and go to town on them. That automatically enters you into the war and then you are able to maximize your hits before you get pinned. -Team work. Wars are won by the better team, not by the individual. Listen to your war commanders, make sure you are doing your assignments, and always report so people can keep the other clan pinned down and not let them get hits in. Pure Spy Tips and Tricks -Make sure you are scouting and finding the leaks and reporting them to hitters! (you can find leaks very easily) - Make sure if you are going to steal have your spys close to or below 20% so no one can hit you for big plunder -If someone is being attacked assas pin them to keep them from getting away with a lot of plunder. -Pin other active spys. Keeping there active spys pinned down can be crucial (All Attack builds should be doing this as well) -Assas a couple of times on a target for your hitters to be able to get through for a garunteed win. -If allowed you can leave a war and reenter (since you aren't earning plunder) and reset your crystals giving yourself 3 more to use. Wars are not for the faint of heart! They are what separate the warlords and tacticians from the mindless osf hitting. The winner not only keeps the war tax but walks away knowing they were better tacticians and more active than there opponents. One final thought. Wars can be thought of quite simply as - player a vs player b. The object is for player a to get more hits on player b. If you are pinning you are both fighting from pin, the reporting time is crucial! at exactly 5 mins from that pin time you can bet your bottom dollar he will be up again and have more troops. The first person to hit the other is going to get the plunder Just something to keep in mind. -Robin Hood, Stealing from the rich to give to the poor
Another great post from you, thanks Hopefully people who haven't yet had a war will decide to give it a try.
That was very good! But, an owner doesn't have to accept,decline, challenge a war so long as three admins are on.
Never go active till u can give your 100% most effort. Hate to see someone go active for 1hr then go to sleep. Just leaves them open for hits etc
Not a problem. We need some more discussion though. come on! We are mad at people that don't war regularly but yet we don't want to talk about real wars! Come on Vets. Give these young guys some tips.
All you t4 plunder noobs you need to read this. This is a method that is proven to work look at the heart wars. Blue team was not the strongest but we where well prepared. This should be read by all who want to war.
Let's get some more tips from some seasoned vets. I already added in the definition of Pinned. Apparently some people didn't know what that was in a couple wars.
You need more info on how to use pure spies in war. Scouting and reporting to clan is important plus spies can be used to pin larger players on opposing team as well as members of own team who are away.
DTW-Defender Too Weak, i was in a war and i said that the #1 player was DTW, they thought it eant id burned his pots :roll: also dont click join war BEFORE war either, if you do so and youre not on AS the war starts, youre screwed
You are absolutely right i will add that shortly! I am a pure spy and it comes as second nature to me totally forgot to explain it!