War Strategies

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Corinthian, Jun 16, 2010.

  1. Due to the palringo pms and public discussions as well as a few posts in various places of forums I'm creating this thread for players to propose, discuss, and offer counters to various clan strategies.
    Stats is not everything.
    Numbers is not either.
    Gold only gets you so far.
    Influence can be changed or removed.

    I'm going to withhold posting stragies for a few hours to see what the community comes up with. Please try to post 1 strategy at a time unless it's a variant strategy.

    Posting simple clan/alliance war tips for relaying intel, organizing, mobilizing and other smaller tactics is also encouraged.
  2. That fails because then strategies are only good for one use each.
  3. A decent strategy have about 5 players active hen war starts and self pinned and keep self pinned and at about midnight crystal and go all out and then keep self pinned and then last hour of war crystal and get rest of clan to finish em off and crystal again so u have a decent lead and not enough time to win
  4. True. And then there is the possibility they can't provide the counter. However after the first use you can figure the strategy out and before the next war have it analyzed.
  5. What u think cor i just camw up with it
  6. Get bigger / stronger friends than theirs...
    Wash, rinse, repeat. 
  7. Grim that would be good, but u get little plunder
  8. yay :mrgreen: :D ;) :eek: :eek: :( :lol: :x :twisted: :idea: :idea: :?: :shock: :ugeek:
  9. Be active throughout otherwise you will be pinned 24/7
  10. Grim. Requires players to be online constantly or botting(illegal) also, if stats are below the steal wall then they will be able to be stolen from at 0g

    also could be countered with a placeholder to make them spend troops elsewhere or rust in their buildings. Then the clan can counter rush with crystals and grab the win

  11. Bunch of posts while I was typing.
    Grim you are the 4th person I've talked to with that strategy :)
  12. But if its midnight thell be asleep crap different time zones hmm shoott down my idea
  13. And dont have to be on 24:7 clan could keep em pinned
  14. You could use the so called "Aput" stategy. Place an OSF in the other clan and farm it with crystels as much as u can at begining of the war. With a several Bill loss in only an hour or so would demorilize the other clan greatly and net you some great plunder
  15. Grim firstly I believe that's my idea, lol. The one me and wrath were discussing about.

    Anyway, cor, you don't need a bot. I won't discuss it now, maybe after war.
  16. Lol ninja i think ur a meany
  17. Light, sneaky, but effective 
  18. Lightninja, see the Mine strategy in close clan applications. Posted as well as counters
  19. Ill just move it over in pieces so the picture loading won't lag

  20. You spelled alternative wrong :)