Title sums it up. Kaw is played in three fashions, epic battles and warring, yes battle list too. I know we all that war have asked for stats (me included), so being that it looks like work amending the profile page with war stats let's try another route. Now I have sent this in already and got a positive response, Thank you Mario . Although it needs to be posted in forums for your comments and positive words to show the development team this is greatly wanted by the war community. (Fingers crossed) Ok, well us that war be it Estoc Trials, ASW, possibly system wars( want to bring those back) I'm quite sure would like to see our stats from warring. Stats kept in our profile from wars are basic, attacks won and loss but you can't see cause well they merge in with bl and eb statistics. I propose 2 things. 1. Badge stats 2. War Achievement Badges #1 Our badge we get at the end of the season, why have it just give the reason for earning it. Tap that bad boy and upon opening it shows our stats from the season Knockouts won/Loss Self knockouts Total plunder Wars won/Loss Total actions won/Loss These are just the essentials. I don't believe we need to know mithril payout, and yada. This would surfice and let's say give not just players their stats on the war end, but also can be viewed by say per chance WC's, other clan members and the war community in general. It's simple really, coding wouldn't be difficult. These stats at least just mentioned are saved in the system already if they weren't you would have no war history. So just modify to add count to your badge. Quick mockup of what it could be like #2 War Achievement Badges Ok we have badges for everything from success actions to charity participation, what no war achievement badges? Players not all but some do chase badges, this in turn not only gives war players the ability to earn badges and basic essentials like 1% on stats like others, but it perhaps could get others to join the war faction and enlarge the war part of Kaw's player base. Some badges could be for: Ko's Sko's War wins Top plunderer Here's a quick mock up I made of a ko badge, I barely edited the page focused more on making the shield I mean we've all said this is Kingdoms at "War", but I must say the warring side of the game is normally deprived, and not saying on purpose. I find these to be minimal additions, but with a large welcome and want perhaps. PLEASE I do need anyone in the warring aspect of kaw to please post anything here that relates to this thread on if you would like this or think it's not worth it. Development team wants and needs to see your opinions. Thank You, ~TG
I like the knockout badge good idea not bothered about the rest of it would rather have spy actions won on people page like they have battles won but whatever.
Support 150% I would love to see my war stats on my profile page or on an achievement badge. It would really separate the men from the boys per say and give players extra incentive to preform better as well. Oh and great job Titan on those edits
The stats listed could show defined as in attack and spy actions there would be badges for each type Attacks Scouts Steals Assassinations
What about attacks/steals/assassination/scouts defended? That way if someone was looking for a tank build they could look at that badge?
I agree Nemesis totally, and the cool thing is with the achievement badges, people normally want them and if so brings more people into warring which could be helpful enlarging the clan count for wars.
Rikki you are totally correct this is a first revise of war stats and yes those can be implemented easily.
100% support from me. EE does not get near the attention that eb's do, and it is quite a shame. Hopefully devs will listen to your ideas.
Ata dont care about this game anymore they just running event after event getting your money more and more people getting pissed off and leaving. I have seen so many good ideas that could make this game much better it all gets ignored gl.