War MVP ??

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TVW_Sangums, May 9, 2013.

  1. Hi all. Not sure if this has been done already, but what about a vote at the end of each war for an MVP for each side?

    You vote for the someone on your opponents team, and the person that gets the most get extra mith or BB bonus ?

    MVP of the winning side would get a better payout than the MVP of the losing side.

    Obviously, you won't be able to tell the WC's or trackers, but would be a nice way to end a battle.

    Thought? Tweaks ?? Improvements ??

    Thanks for reading 
  2. Hmmm... Can't see any obvious exploits, support :D
  3. I can see exploits . Just have50 800cs alts

    So meh
    Needs a bit of work
  4. Tell me who has that many alts, expect Val.
  5. Exploit 1: tell your whole clan to vote for one person in cc

    Solution: make a window pop up at the end of the war that you can't get out of until you cast your vote.

    Exploit 2: Tell people to vote for a certain player before the war even starts making the pop up window pointless.

    No solution to exploit 2
  6. How about u nominate a WC during match-up, and the winning WC gets the bonus ??

    Incentive to fight for ur leader .......