war maybe happening this weekend!!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ZachGhost, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. From Washington post today

    Alert sirens wailed over Ashkelon, a southern Israeli city that has been battered by Gaza rockets, on Friday three days into a major new confrontation between Hamas and the Israel. One rocket landed just yards from a hotel.

    Obama talked to Israel about negotiating with the terrorists. I think Obama is full of ****. The terrorists are on a mission and will not stop until they have fulfilled it. Plus America has a policy where we do not negotiate with terrorists.

    There will be a war in a matter of days and Obama does not want to back them up or send troops over. I think this is wrong.

    "I am going to go Thurmond nuclear war on this." -Steve Jobs

    What do you think about this?


    I would like to thank all the people who voted for Obama.
  2. Cool dude this is a serious topic and I'd advise you leave the thread If you are not mature enough.
  3. We already have one unwinnable war going on, just came out of another saying we "won" (we didn't) and between the two it has taken and taking vast sums of money that people like you and I cannot even fathom, and you want us to go trooping off into another place for even more of said things???
  4. I say **** them. Let them war it out over their own stupid gods. Why should Americans go over there and fight over their gods. They have been at it for millennia's. I say nuke them all but meh what can u do. Send our American troops to die for their silly gods that don't even exist. Kinda stupid if u ask me
  5. When your talking about actual war just contemplate on is the cause worth losing your most beloved loved one in.
  6. We are allies with Israel should we not back them up? How would you like if we needed help and were being invaded and Israel said lets negotiate while people were dying?
  7. Israel is just looking for an Estoc's Edge war.

    But I agree with madness. America has no business sending troops. They aren't the police force of the world.
  8. We are allies with Israel for god sakes!
  9. 1) your single paragraph gave almost no information at all

    2) Yes we are allies, however does that mean that if our ally goes to war we have to follow? That just sounds like being stupid and following blind to me.

    3) ??? Lost my train of thought.
  10. If we were being invaded then I'm sure Israel wouldn't be able to save us. And if they want to stop being invaded then they need to give up the land they fight so hard to keep control of. Simple. They have something someone else wants. They are willing to take this thing by force. At the cost of countless lives. If israel actually cared about any of its citizens they could just surrender instead of dragging other countries in to fight for their gods.
  11. The terrorists just want to kill of the Jews don't you see?
  12. I like to eat potatoes
  13. I like potatoes too!
  14. Not so cut and dried -Ghost- . The Israelis and the Palestinians have been at a standoff for a long time. Many wrongs have been committed by both sides.
    The Israeli army can more than handle Hamas by themselves. I'm sure if other forces in the region mobilized against Israel then the US would send support. Because as you mentioned we're allies.
  15. I think israel has used and abused our alliance. GL to them and Palestine. Let them figure it out. Not our problem.
  16. Im not a huge fan of potatoes myself. Perhaps i should slaughter moose because of his preference for potatoes. Or I can leave moose to enjoy his potatoes, and mind my own business.
  17. What do potatoe eating moose taste like ?
  18. Please keep this on topic
  19. It's a volatile region. I think that a wider skirmish is likely, but I don't think it will develop into a war (hopefully). Obama has a noticeably cooler relationship than other US presidents, but Israel is America's ally. Americans are tired of war, but I think America would support Israel if the conflict were to escalate.