War Matchups. Stop Complaining

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TRadEmaRK, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. The past few weeks everyone on forums have been whining and complaining about match ups. LITERALLY every war, there are whiners whining, boycotting, etc etc. And for good reason; many of the matchups SUCK.

    But you guys are being idiots, blaming the devs for the match ups. I also see some people GIVING THE DEVS CREDIT for CLOSE WARS! This makes you sound even stupider.

    The algorithm is not the problem; the problem is the lack of signups compared to the wide range of clan strengths. Let me break down what i mean.

    say there are 10 clans signed up for war 1 (i now there are more than 10 always, but it keeps it simpler)
    and lets keep all BFA and BFE to factors that are comparable assuming CS is comparable, to simplify my point.

    Lets say here are the 10 clans CS

    clan 1 500m
    clan 2 490m
    clan 3 430m
    clan 4 370m
    clan 5 320m
    clan 6 320m
    clan 7 310m
    clan 8 280m
    clan 9 200m
    clan 10 150m

    This brings us to the root of the problem. The "algorithm" it complete BS basically, because despite the numbers, someone could easily handpick matchups and get the same matchups as the algorithm. Clan 1 v Clan 2 will be pretty fair, 5v6 is fair, and then 7v8 is probably close enough to be a close war. But then there are clans left out; clans 3,4,9, and 10. given the current matchup "algorithm", clan 3 can match clan 4 given the 60m CS difference; in fact, some matches have been shown to have around 100m CS difference, and still match. This will lead to a mismatch, especially once BFE and BFA are considered, if the bigger clan has more. Lets say the limit for matchups on the algorithm are 20% more CS, 20% more BFE and 20% more BFA. As long as those numbers are comparatively under 20%, they can match. If one clan has more CS but the other has more BFA and BFE, then it might be a fairer matchup. The problem is, usually it is 1 side that has the more BFE, BFA, and CS, and when those numbers are all pushing the boundaries, there is going to be a lopsided war.

    To "fix" this, there are a few possible solutions, that i have hinted to.

    1- decrease the limits of CS/BFA/BFE that one clan can have over another. This will lead to more no-matches depending on how much the limit is decreased. To get all perfect matchups, there would be VERY FEW matches, and lots of no matches; in my scenario, for truly fair wars, only 4/10 clans would be warring.

    2- increase the number of clans warring. When there are 30-40 clans signing up, there will be some close wars (on paper; you also have to take into consideration that a good war clan can crush a inexperienced war clan, despite being outsized, to an extent), but the majority are slight mismatches, and then there are some outliers that are blowouts (usually because one side gives up and does not xtal). If there were 80-100 clans signing up for these wars, that would help matchups significantly. Adding more clans would not increase the CS or BFE or BFA range needed to match clans, it would just make more possible matchups, which would mean more fair match ups. This is definitely the IDEAL situation, but the question is, how much more can the devs offer for people to war? The main issue here seems to be that the average player cannot spend the money for constant xtals to war regularly; maybe the devs should implement the war xtal? hint hint

    3- Negate BFE and BFA in war. LB players would hate this, but it would simplify the matchup process. Instead of one clan having advantages in CS, BFE and BFA, there would now only be CS to consider, making matches more clear and manageable.

    4- Allow extra xtals/players to join/subsitutions. Say one clan is outsized in CS, amybe 30m, but has slight advantages in BFE and BFA. The game can take this into consideration, and allow the smaller CS clan to get a message saying "you can make a subsitution on your roster that will increase your CS by no more than 12,000,000" and the other clan would be notified if there was a roster change, for example. This is difficult to implement, but has potential if implemented properly to prevent abuse.

    TLDR: If you get one thing out of this, PLEASE stop whining on the war posts saying "OMG DEVS YOU GAVE US A TERRIBLE MATCHUP BLAH BLAH BLAH" because that is only half the story. The real reason is that you were an outlier, meaning you either couldve been way bigger, or way smaller than your match, and the problem is with the current algorithm that takes hit ratio into account, which allows for too big of CS differences in clans to be matched.

    So instead, say something constructive instead of whining, say something like "devs, i know that based on the hit ratio algorithm we were able to match this clan, but the hit ratio seems to not take certain exploitable characteristics into account, which leads to these bad matchups. The limit on CS BFE and BFA advantages need to be decreased to provide a fairer war experience, despite the fact that this will lead to more no matches."

    Thanks for reading. Open for comments and discussion.
  2. I agree. There is soooooo much butthurt about the wars.
  3. Complaining about complaining. Always my favorite hypocrisy. =)
  4. Interesting ideas put forward.
  5. No match is better than a mismatch.

    BFA and BFE should be used..... Otherwise why not reset everyone to 400/200/150/150
  6. If you read there threads what you suggested by decreasing the threshold is actually one often things they are boycotting for.
  7. Wow your a biased hypocrite. Complaining about people complaining and offering no credibility to war matchups. No support.
  8. Yeah lets complain about giving feedback when the devs ask for it. Shut up and take it and don't say anything. That makes sense. Ok.
  9. You people aren't given feedback. Your demanding. "Devs why did the other team have 2 more players with x amount more CS then us? It's not fair. Tell us now before my ass gets anymore sore over this". Thats how you guys sound when you complain. :)

    Honestly don't say it's feedback because it's not. It's BS whining. And forums is being spammed by your childish minds :).
  10. Agree with op and sicniss 100%
  11. I stopped reading when you used the word stupider. It's more stupid. I think..