War Matchups, easy solution

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ueLANSH-DFA, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Instead of having a complicated formula for match ups. Allow each clan owner to select 5-10 clans they are willing to war that is within 50 ranks of their clan. If two clans both selected each other as willing to war they're up for match up.

  2. That could be easily abused, if say, a ZAFT clan chose all of the other ZAFT clans and they all chose the first one, they'd have a guarenteed mwar.
  3. My clan had 39 for todays war. The other clan had 78. Thats two people for every one we had. So basically we had no chance we were pinned non stop the entire time. Match up process is so broken
  4. This whole game is broken.
  5. Did your mom warring people remember to veil or leave clan? That way they aren't counted for matchmaking. They should have plenty of warning that war is coming and take the necessary action.
  6. Sorry. I meant "non warring"
  7. Yes all non war members had veil spell active. One member actually had spell on and was still able to be hit in war!!!
  8. Omg!! What a great idea!! Go work for the devs!!

    /end sarcasm

    Your kidding me right? (/).-) you don't see how this is soooo abusable? Ill let you think for a bit
  9. Flint, you're on like every thread bitching about something? How about you go outside a bit. Or just don't say anything. Idk what's worse, you or the thread .
  10. Lol bws is ZAFT chose ZAFT they would sit there for 4hrs and not fight. That would be stupid. Plus we all saw that already once.
  11. People complaining about roster matchups. I agree disadvantages but don't bring a bunch of inactives to war. Make sure everyone in clan is in war. No veil spell. If you are not warring get out of clan.

    Mercs Legion
  12. Match ups are based mainly on combined clan stats. So that leads to if one clan has 30 big and another 70 smaller but equal combined clan stats you end up with a big imbalance.
    Putting in an equation to deal with actual active members would help to an extent. But it could result in failure to match clans as so many wouldn't be equal and it varies on who signs up.
    Ideal world every warring clan would have 100 active but as that won't happen anytime soon then how.
    Number of actives is most prob more important than combined stats. But then they would get complaints in that we cannot hit opponents.
    Best idea for now. Merge or get mercs to help. To enable this devs need to allow estocs to stay on player not just while in clan. Yes I know it is aimed at loyalty so how about they let us nominate two clans. Ours and alliance war clans. Alliances can then merge for bigger war teams and go home afterwards with no penalty and match ups would get more consistent as the war clans grew to max ranks.
    This is new and will take time to get right. Stick with it and enjoy the fight. Win or lose it can still be a blast.
  13. @BWS. Zaft wont war against zaft anyway. Oh and how is it abusable? If ur clan (lets say the attack side) is ranked 150 on lb, then go ahead and try to make a clan ranked 100-200 on lb of only osf or people who wont war or have no pots or dont care being hit and then if it works go ahead and try ur luck. The attack side and the opponent still have to find 10 clans to war with around their clan rank. GL with that
  14. However im not sure this system is a good idea. Because lets say the devs keep the same bad timing of war for next week, then what happens if half of a clan has casted spell of evasion.. The clan wont be able to find a fair matchup in lb by 50 rank close to them