War Matchup and Schedule for Week 13

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Based on the feedback from the community, we want to continue tweaking our test wars and gather more data, so we are targeting Sept 9th instead of September 2nd for Season 2. Also, we are doing All Star wars after Season 2.

    To answer all war matchup questions, this is how it works:

    Step 1
    We count the number of people who cast the spell, if your clan is below or above the restriction, you are removed. If it is an odd number of clans that signed up, we remove the last member to sign up from the matchup.

    Step 2
    We look at your hit ratio. We make sure you that enough members from each clan can attack each other and not see without seeing the message 'You are too strong to attack' or 'You are too weak to attack'. We call this the hit ratio.

    Step 3
    We add a clan's combined stats, BFA and BFE and match each clan based on these stats. If the difference is too large there is no match. If a player cannot hit anyone from the other team, we do not measure them in this step.

    Note: We know there were some issues with the lower clans not finding a match up. This seems to happen because the differences in hit ratios and clan strength varies greatly between them. Unfortunately, none of the combinations between the lower clans created a matchup within the restrictions we have put in place.

    We are still adjusting our matchmaking algorithm and appreciate your patience and understanding.


    You will no longer have the ability to equip or un-equip equipment once match ups occur. This is a necessary change as we now take equipment into account for match ups. Without blocking this, players will take off equipment before match ups in an attempt to game the system.

    ***REMEMBER*** on the surface, you may be matched with clans that may appear to be a lot more powerful than yours. Do not worry! If this occurs, it most likely means there are members on the opposing team/clan that cannot even hit you.

    ***IMPORTANT*** we have also restricted member participation to a range of 26 to 29 members.

    *Estoc Edge will be awarded as before. 1 level earned for winning, 1 level lost for losing. You will still lose a level if you leave your clan
    * Mithril will still be rewarded for winning.
    * No Rancor levels will be awarded


    Signup: 3-6 hours prior to War Start Time. This varies based on how close the wars are together.
    Matchmaking: 2 hours prior to War Start Time (Must sign up before this, rosters lock at this point)
    Activity Lock: Approximately 1 hour prior to the earliest War Start Time
    Start Time: This can vary up to 15 minutes. This will be reflected in your war timer.

    We want data about the 2 hour war, 10 minute KO so all wars will be this type
    War 1
    2 hour war, 10 minute KO
    PDT - Friday - 12pm-12:30pm
    EDT - Friday - 3pm-3:30pm
    GMT - Friday - 7pm-7:30pm
    SGT - Saturday - 3am-3:30am

    War 2
    2 hour war, 10 minute KO
    PDT - Friday - 8pm-8:30pm
    EDT - Friday - 11pm-11:30pm
    GMT - Saturday - 3am-3:30am
    SGT - Saturday - 11am-11:30am

    War 3
    2 hour war, 10 minute KO
    PDT - Saturday - 7am-7:30am
    EDT - Saturday - 10am-10:30am
    GMT - Saturday - 2pm-2:30pm
    SGT - Saturday - 10pm-10:30pm

    War 4
    2 hour war, 10 minute KO
    PDT - Saturday - 7pm-7:30pm
    EDT - Saturday - 10pm-10:30pm
    GMT - Sunday - 2am-2:30am
    SGT - Sunday - 10am-10:30am

    War 5
    2 hour war, 10 minute KO
    PDT - Sunday - 4am-4:30am
    EDT - Sunday - 7am-7:30am
    GMT - Sunday - 11am-11:30am
    SGT - Sunday - 7pm-7:30pm

    War 6
    2 hour war, 10 minute KO
    PDT - Sunday - 1pm-1:30pm
    EDT - Sunday - 4pm-4:30pm
    GMT - Sunday - 8pm-8:30pm
    SGT - Monday - 4am-4:30am
  2. Awesome, do u have an idea how soon after season 2 for all star wars?
  3. Thanks for adding 1 hour wars back in the mix. I and several others really have been looking forward to them.

    Thanks so much
  4. We just did the 2 hr 10 min KO's :s why is more data needed? We just wanna start Season 2 already. Hopefully it won't always be 8 week season, 13 weeks of testing, 8 week season, 13 weeks of testing ....
  5. Based on feedback! Devs what feedback have you been reading and not answering too?
  6. U guys r getting awesome at copying and pasting 

    Good Job Devs
  7. Devs I thought we were past the 10 min set ko time? How much more data can u need on this let me explain how it works 10 mins set up spreadsheet input ko time get open time automatically.........win every war by loading your roster and using tracking programs gj season 2 is the same as season 1 epic failure
  8. Why no 1 hr wars?
  9. I just want season 2 :'(
  10. Hey Devs!

    These tests are fine but what about mixing up the wars?

    These 10 minute ko wars are fun and all but how about a mix of 2 hour wars and 1 hour wars? Also, mix up the set ko times with random/advantage wars!

    The matchup system isn't terrible but you are still matching clans that have little chance of winning against stronger clans. At least mix up the ko times some to add a little variety to the different strats we have all been working on throughout these test wars. Allow for something different in each war. We have all developed new and different strats for all your wars systems and would like the opportunity to utilize ALL the strategies we have developed. The week with all the mixed up ko timers was truly enjoyable for myself and many who have warred with or against us.

    Variety = Excitement!!

    Please respond.


  11. Fixed ko times are the only true test for results in the match up system that's why they are using them .... they wasted moths playing with ko times and no real fixes to match up give them a couple weeks to test this before they rush into another season of bad match ups

    They really should be holding it longer if they are planning more changes we all know that the player base adapts well to wat the devs do if there is a loophole it's only a matter of time for us to find it and some clans to exploit it

    Just make sure it's right before u put everyone's time and hard earned real money on the line in a grueling 8 weeks of 12 wars a week to only reward the clans that figure out the loopholes first with the top prizes please and Ty
  12. Sweet. 2 hour wars with fixed ko. Yay. My fingers thank you. No mindless spamming for 5 mins hoping to get in 1 action on someone.
  13. Your ‧‧‧REMEMBER‧‧‧ part is the only issue i see it may look like the clan is stronger lol look at end results on some of the matches in The Umbrella Corp. i just by looking at them could tell there was no chance but we still fully mithed and gave it our all i even posted in forums that we didnt have a chance but we gave it our all so we could help test before season 2 yet we dont get comped but a clan can protest a TEST war and be comped mith how is that right in any way at all why play favs to one clan that has a bad match and not others? when i saw that they got comped i knew there wasnt going to be anything for us testers i really hope im wrong we are here for u devs to help u make this game better we deserve a cut for helping the better of the game am i wrong?
  14. Lol devs you are really becoming awesome at copy paste things.. better to get back to season 1 algorithm when u can't tweak the new ones.. still how many test war's you need to fix this things.. remove the dtw/ dts system.. it's bs.. improve soon always the same thing we collecting data.. data.. data.. how long you keep collecting data when are you gonna come to conclusion fix the mismatches.. ahh.

    All the best..
  15. More set times boo i was actually starting to enjoy my spam fests in EE :lol: bring back 1 hr wars 2 hours is to long on some war times.
  16. Your Steps 1, 2 and 3 seem totally arse-about.
    Surely you should match clans on strength FIRST, then check for hit ratio, then eliminate the clans who cannot be matched.
    Are you even trying to match clans, or just sticking clans together randomly and then checking that they are close enough in stats?
  17. I totally agree with SO__Jernau__RA the same thing was gonna ask you kaw admins.. how are you matching us change the steps to match clans.. do chk our suggestions and reply us soon if our posts makes sense..
    thank you.
  18. how bout just going with what u have then comp miss matches AS LONG AS THEY TRY there hardest to win and still get pumbled by a clan that clearly out ranks them.... done, just needs to be comped better than what they used to be fair ie xtles mith and extra or no loss in edge make it worth taking the risk of a bad match
  19. A solution to the guild Hansel plunder exploit.

    InWarFlag is a variable that says if you are currently in war. Similar to the variable that locks outside hits, locks building lands, and locks changing equipment.

    If in war, InWarFlag = 1
    If not in war, InWarFlag = 0

    BasePlunder calculation
    Calculate once per build, Recalc once when in war and once when war ends.
    Baseplunder = Lands * 600,000 * InWarFlag

    Plunder calculation is the same as now with this “if’ statement added so a baseplunder will only apply during war times so people will not use it for farming outside of wars.
    Plunder = Normal Plunder calculation
    IF (Plunder) IS LESS THAN BasePlunder THEN
    Plunder = BasePlunder

    This will give all builds with 50 lands a 30 million base plunder per hit. The guild Hansel will still give less plunder when being hit than when hitting others, but at least it will have a base plunder of 30 million and this will remove the extreme plunder advantage it currently has in EE. The guild hansel build will still have an advantage but a far smaller one now. A simple programming change and the guild hansel exploit is gone.

    Devs, if you read this and implement this, please send me a consulting fee of 100 xtals to this account. Thank you.
  20. Dev . We have been helping u with all the test war . How about time to reward those help in the test war with double mirth so more people will join .