War Jewel Drops

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. This thread is gonna be short and simple.

    I feel like getting only 10 jewels for warring is a little bit unfair. I spent 2 hours of my life that I could have spent on HTE attacking other players, playing the game the way it is meant to be played, and I only got 10 jewels for winning the war. Meanwhile, I sealed on HTE and did all the items phases, where it generated 50 jewels (while taking only 30 minutes). Devs, I know you like the paid ebs, but players who put the time and effort into banking gold, mithing up, preparing beforehand, and maybe even WC'ing or tracking should be rewarded with a bit more than 10 jewels.

  2. This is a money grabbing Event Man.

    Simple as that.
  3. I realize. It's just infuriating to do everything that goes into a war and getting almost nothing in return.
  4. Totally support this. When I first heard wars only dropped 10 jewels, it kinda made me frustrated. Wars should definitely drop more.
  5. Welcome to KaEB. :)

    Just hit BL it's more fulfilling.
  6. Wars cost money. You have to purchase xstals....
  7. Or you can use saved up xtals.

    HTE makes KaW probably 100x more than EE.
  8. I feel like war should drop more jewels than anything else. It's very risky, while skimming HTE is relatively mindless and boring.
  9. I take my HTE skimming very seriously.

    Please, don't criticize me and my way of life.

  10. Still don't understand why you supported this thread, yet, are arguing against this.
  11.  you laughed at my post. Ohhh, we've got a badass over here 
  12. Support wars should be like 50. Not only do you have to sacrifice 2 hours, you have to win. Devs have given up on wars
  15. Support, they should make it similar to The Great Quetzal Event


    EE 1: 10 Jewels
    EE 2: 20 Jewels
    EE 3: 30 Jewels
    EE 4: 40 Jewels
    EE 5: 50 Jewels
  16. The best event for all players was quetzal hunt....so SUPPORT THIS OP