War is coming

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Wolf-Gang, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. Ok I was reading the kaw_admin thread about mithril he said it might come in handy in the future a war is coming... I'm just curious
  2. Ai army!!!!
  3. Your mother is coming?
  4. A big war will ensue in KaW, Pot up!
    :lol: People are so dumb :|
  5. You worry too much grasshopper !
  6. Better be new war stuff

    Happy KaWing
    Dead Forever
  7. NO ******* WAY !

    War in a War game ?

    I've never heard of such a thing. Devs must have posted a typo.
  8. Skynet's army is approaching, we must destroy skynet before it defeats KaW and enter the rl through our ipods
  9. Lol

    Yerp I been wondering too, is just an expression, to get us too buy mithril or just so they can laugh at the players who are worrying??
  10. Tornado 
  11. Lol yeah it's ok but it sounds like it would be big we will find out in update I guess lol
  12. The mith is to help with the extortionate price of manpons for your eb loving soldiers
  13. W.A.R. Has come already. On the clan Lb. lol
  14. How does an inanimate object "come"?
  15. Maybe its just a allstar war?
  16. That's in September
  17. War is coming...

    The prophecy for the end of epics is here!