Discussion in 'Wars' started by AutobotCommander, Jun 11, 2012.


    I think kaw should make wars much more funner, rewarding, and more exciting than eb. this gae pratically worhips ebs instead of wars. i think wars should give out more bonus gold, and items that people spend a week looking for and still dont find it. also people should also havinf lke some sort of gameble for exaple, clan A is fighting clan B in a war, cla
  2. English please I don't speak noob sorry
  3. accidentally clicked submit...

    anyway i put my money on clan A to win, if clan A wins, i get double my money if i lose, i lose it all.
  4. Everyone loses in a war, there is no such thing as "rewards" In a war.
  5. dude its a ablet...
    its hard typing when the buttons r small...
  6. if there r no rewards there should b rewards
  7. You can't tell me you wrote 'more funner' because it's hard to type on a tablet.
  8. Using a tablet is no excuse, it would be easier to type compared to an iPod
  9. Apparently, you haven't been on the winning side of a war. It's pretty fun.
  10. Lol! You know you are struggling with self esteem issues when you see the need to correct people on their grammar and typo errors. Or maybe Kaw has become so boring that it's more fun being a tool in forums. It's working for me!
  11. Devs are never going to do your "bet on war" idea. You can just create 2 clans, bet all your money on the one you are planning to win with, and u double your own money. SO easy to abuse.

  12. Ay arrso aghry dant yew?
  13. All jokes aside, this was once how kaw was during Pwar era, I remember that I used to beg my clan owner to start one when I was a noob who knew nothing 
  14. Aim guessing the devs made EBs instead of pwars, where the OSF and the hitters benefit there is no time how pwars work but all I can tell you is: you used to make money from wars, there was no ebs. What people did was make 2 clans and have an OSF on the other clan and hitters on the other, there is also no time to explain how they stayed open(not DTW) at the last second, the other clan would forfeit and the hitters would get a ton of money while the OSF(s) practically keep his/hers. Excuse me, just woke up herpderp I have no idea
    What I'm saying 
  15. I'm*
    Noob skeep, I mean speak is contagious!!