war incentive

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by III__Kronic__King__III, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. 10 Mithril converts to 1 nobility point.

    Who is with me?
  2. Let me guess, you're with her?
  3. No sorry. I only support copy and pasted threads from now on.

    Basically if you're not Grant I can't support your thread.
  4. That's next level stupid, I know people with 10/20k+ mith, easy few thousand nobs. Plus people would just farm wars with alts and it would become even more of a mess than it is now.
  5. Well maybe they adjust drop rates .. And say mith dropped from today and on
  6. I would abuse this so much.
  7. :lol:
  8. 6 nobs a day at a time for ingame gold yeah no support
  9. I don't support your proposed solution, sorry.
  10. Math