War Inactivity and Solutions

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ValarDohaeris, Jan 26, 2023.

  1. This is my humble request that the dev’s severely increase the penalty for inactivity in war and also create a gate keeping system that sets some sort of requirement for actually being able to sign up.

    I know that this may be unpopular and that people may say that there won’t be enough accounts casting, but I actually think that this sort of thing would increase interest in Wars. One of the biggest disappointments is having an inactive account, or non-conducive team players on your team. It makes doing a war feel like a waste of time.

    Additionally, if someone is a genuinely new player, the last thing they should be doing is joining a war right off the bat. Let them get adapted to the game.

    Maybe that means dev’s need to make a 60 day activity requirement or HF complete requirement. I don’t know.

    I know that this is a nuanced issue, with a lot of factors. For instance, players who just come for actions and then go are counted as active in the war (i.e. a PS who xtal’s at start and just dumbs bars for actions).

    But the inactivity issue, and they way the dev’s currently measure for “Activity” are not sufficient. It’s like playing say for example, Destiny 2, and then setting up a macro to keep do controller inputs and get in game rewards. You’re not actually playing… That’s essentially what these players are doing.

    So I suggest that the dev’s develop some sort of post war review where you can vote on players. If a player gets enough negative reports, they get a 1 month ban.

    This way, you begin to eradicate players who just go for actions, inactive accounts, and brand new accounts people make.

    The end result will be, I think, that more players in the game are actually incentivized to begin warring again as it feels like a worthy investment of their time - since they’re not set to lose simply by having inactive participants or poor team players.

    I tihnk someone else could write this all a lot better… this is just my crappy forum participation making a few suggestions.

    Let me know what you think.
  2. A very simple solution to at least one war which is lowland is to bring back lowland clans! I actually hated the lowland clan system before the current mess but I can now see the benifits of having lowland clans! Inactive accounts and noobs were severely restricted in these wars as the WC had total control over his clan, ensuring the bad builds, moles,alts, and the like did not get a seat! Bringing back lowland clans would be a step in the right direction
    #2 MM--Monkey--of--Mayhem--MM, Jan 27, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2023
    -Kratos- likes this.
  3. Here is an idea... stop making th3 daily legends super annoying to complete