War Help

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -lilil-_-H3llB0UND-_-lilil-, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Can someone let me join their war clan and actually roster wars with loyal people that actually show up for war after they signed up. I hate having people say O yea I will be there. Day of war... Sorry I'm busy. 1 hr later in wc saying war anywhere? I'm also done with the same clans warring and dominating and making ee boring. I'm also in need of learning about hybrid mechanics. People are telling me different things and I need the right answer to actually apply to war. I can also track if anyone needs. I use a program when I can and I also pen and paper track.
  2. I need that clan 2. But I wouldn't be that great as those damn devs permed me for saying what the hell
  3. I wouldn't be able to be on cc
  4. Your a noob, you have a broken sword, your perm silenced. Nobody wants you
  5. I'm statless cause Im in pvp. I have shattered sword cause I stupidly tried to war at 6am and I stayed up the whole night. I'm permed cause the mods pet persuaded a mod that what the hell was violating the tou
  6. Your derailing the thread, please leave
  7. Go ask Spragga he's the war King
  8. Sorry, cant touch this

    Dun dun dun dun, dun dun, dun dun
  9. 
  10. Omg :lol:
  11. Op, you are too small for most war clans. Plus you have no war equipment or achievements so there is no proof you are decent at war or have even warred before.

    I'm not saying you suck, I'm just saying your profile isn't really convincing to war recruiters
  12. If ur an admin u can use the ca 2 talk
  13. I have some war experience and have the trinket war equip just need more war time and a clan that will accept me
  14. I would suggest doing indi wars to get more mith and therefore get better war equipment
  15. Sounds like MyName has an evil twin.
  16. Does that kid still play this game?
  17. 
  18. You're*
    You make a thread desperately asking for a clan, but nobody wants giant?
  19. This thread is going no where