Discussion in 'Wars' started by Icebreaker72, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Step 1 buddy system- have u and a your buddy hit together easier to ko that way.
    Step 2 potions - make sure to have plenty of attack and defense potions if u run out during war u become a main target .
    Step 3 successful attacks- knowing the people u can actually hit .
    Step 4 skoing - when u are about to get pinned spy bomb and pin yourself u loss less plunder that way . Steal w/ no pots
    Step 5 crystalling - best to crystal with a group so your not the only 1 hitting and they won't auto pin u . ( normally your on war teams )
    Step 6 being ko'd -coming out of ko if u come out and hit with low troops low chance of success best to assassinate first improves chances of winning attacks.
    Step 7 attacking - make sure u have all attack pots when trying to attack or very low chance of successful actions
    Step 8 scout bombing - the way a scout bomb works is u scout using pots to succeed and that drains enemies spies .
    Step 9 tracking - tracking is simple after u been ko'd u can go to war roster on posing team and when u do this u can click att and then continue it will either tell u enemy is ko'd or give u the time your ko'd when it says your ko'd that means that opponent is up the report to cc and let your war chief know .

    Signed guardian_ice
    If u need any more info feel free to wall me thank u for reading
  2. Good thing I didn't join KaW today. I would have left the game after reading this thread.
  3. so helpful i quit warring.
    oh wait...i never started and i can't read this anyway
  4. Make a guide for OSW, seems like GC need em. :lol:
  5. Tbh im new and i dont wanna read it
    Remake it

    Make it easier to understamd
    Thanks tho
  6. Says the one with the best war build ever... What is 100k in towers REALLY gonna stop?
  7. Good job ice easy to understand :) good luck new members to war world am remember a happy tower is a winning tower :)
  8. I made a similar thread a bit backā€¦ its a bit more explaining, so maybe someone on pc could link it for OP?
  9. Hey guardian. Nice thread.

    Don't let these eb fairies get ya down.

    But for real thanks this might help.
  10. It's very general. Maybe going more in depth on subjects would improve it? Nice thread though