War Games?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by thug_superkillforchill, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. I and many others had been registered in the war games! But sadly it never happened the thread had over 100 hundred people entered. I am looking for an answer why it didn't happen. The reason I think was because the game makers were not on top of it at all. Not as if any were following rules and the rules were easy to find loopholes too. Like the no outside help rule. All you do is find some hansel to spy on them. And the no equip or spells rule. That was just stupid because no one will be naked. Hope most things make sense and maybe someone can say why it never happened.
    Ps: Sorry for grammar mistakes you nazis
  2. I'm sorry of I offended game makers
  3. If I offended game makers
  4. Ok the war games is still on was postponed for EE levels. Yes I know people can get hansels to spy but there is still a chance that I will find out. With the equip and spells is spells: people may not have money for mith and therefore not be able to use it, or don't have all of the spells. This is to make it fair though this may be taken out at any point by gamemakers. Equip:same type of thing as above
  5. Its ok thug I understand where you are coming from
  6. Ok I also was wondering about pors
  7. Use as many pots as you want
  8. Ok when will it restart