War for devs making money

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Smokintons, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Everyone needs to shut the **** up about the devs making money. They are trying to run a business plain and simple. How would you like it if you were running a restaraunt and everyone came in and said 5 dollars is to much for your burger and started running off your new clients because they don't want to hear you hitching about the price every time they sat down to eat? What I'm saying is next time Isee someone whining about this I will ask for a cr from my osw and usehis and my 3 Alta to personally make sure you quit playing the game. Remember it is a game for us its how they feed their families and pay their employees to them. Don't like someone feeding their family? Go jump off a bridge please
  2. Totally agree w this thread! But the last sentence…
  3. why do people keep making this thread? :|
  4. I haven't seen anyone make this thread... and I would revise it but it was made on my kindle so it will have to wait until I can get on my pc
  5. I actually agree with OP…
  6. someone makes this thread at least once a week.
  7. Its not that players don't want devs to earn money, of course they do - we all want the app to thrive.

    People are aggrieved at the greed of the devs. They make plenty of money from xtals alone, ata is a multi million $ company - they are already well taken care of. Keep in mind this is a game at the end of the day - not many games have people sending "20k a day".

    To use your analogy, people aren't bothered at restaurants charging $5 for a burger but they would be if they were charging $50 for a burger...
  8. Kaw is fee.. It's up to you to spend..Five bucks isn't to high for a burger..hey what restaurant is offering free burgers?
  9. The thing is, do you know how many employees they have? Do you know how much they pay each one? Do you know how much the rent is on their office space? You have no idea about their finances they could be making only 30k a year each and no they don't have people spending 20k a day do you know what the spending limit is that they put on? Its no where near that.

    Now I know the devs will never share any of their financial information with us (what kind of business would?) But you should take into consideration what they have to spend and how much they have to pay out before you judge them for how much they want you to spend on certain things. Another thong is that everything people claim is way to expensive you can get for free. How do you get these things for FREE?all you have to do is play THIER FREE GAME.

    So please tell me how its unjust they give people a way to get an advantage by spending (what I will agree is a rediculous amount of money) on a free to play game?
  10. Smok are you secretly an ATA employee trying to win the KaWmmunity over? ;)
  11. They don't have people spending that anymore - but they did. They put in the spending cap for 1 reason - they will make more money in the long run (more than people spending 20k a day) as the community as a whole will spend more as it'll be more competitive.

    There was an article 2 years ago where one of the founders of ata was interviewed and he claimed the company. Was making PROFITS of 2 - 3 million per month (before apples cut which I believe is 30%). Now this was before ebs and android and all the money grabbing promotions of late so I suspect they are making far far more now.

    They see big spenders as "whales" which I find a little disrespectful and I'm sure they have other names for us.

    I agree, give people an advantage by spending. But they need to make sure their isn't too big a gap between the paying and the unpaying customers, you think this game works with just paying customers? The non paying players are just as important to the game as well, they help keep it alive.

    Also, its getting to a point where your not paying for just an advantage - ee wars is a fine example. It is necessary to buy xtals to take part - no clan I have seen has a no xtal in ee policy lol.

    If you truely believe they only make 30k a year then you have seriously misjudged there financial situation - their article claims they are aiming to "be a multi-billion $ company" and they are doing this through aggressive marketing schemes - I don't have a link but google it lol
  12. Again they may be aiming to be a Multi billion dollar company bit you have no idea about their overhead they have people working round the clock on support and who knows about their other games that don't bring in pretty much any revenue. Also this is all coming from a non paying player as I have not spent a penny on this game. There isn't a huge gap between players who pay and who don't I know many that spend money on the game that aren't much bigger than I am.

    Its all about activity. Sure if you want to be on the most wins lb you gotta spend on xstalls but other than that there isn't a need whatsoever to spend money on the game. I still have tons of fun playing.

    I hope the devs showered this morning for op's sake.
    Kiss ass much op ?
  14. It does not change the fact they are being greedy. By all rights they should earn, but there has to be a level of fairness to what they earn - morally. They DO earn millions of $ per year after all expenses - fact. I have spent a lot of money on this game but all these money making schemes have actually deterred me from spending more as I have purposely reduced spending - obviously that doesn't mean a thing as their profit margin will have jumped significantly recently. Its a capitalistic world I guess. Gimme gimme gimme.
  15. Look out we have a veteran here with his 2 month old account. Or is it that ur too affraid to post with ur main
  16. Am sick of the devs whine, whine, whine, making money, whine, whine, whine, it's not fair, whine, whine, whine,
    Waits for OP and his alts,
  17. I know, right? I mean, you're lucky just downloading the app is free. The app is at the top of the market, they could slap a price on it so you wouldnt get it for free anymore.