war complaints

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IX_THoR_XI, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. we were poorly matched in our war. we only had 57 members for war and we were matched with a clan of 80 warring members. i feel like i wasted mith and pots and my time.

    i personally feel that some changes to be made.

    1) a clan should be allowed to refused or approve a match that is presented to them. if the devs are telling us that their human, then give us the checks and balances to refuse an unfair match.

    2) devs should compensate us for these poorly matched wars. its hard enough getting mith and it sucks when i lose them due to their mistakes/inabilities to create a fair match for war. personally, i want back any mith that i used but i don't the thinks devs will do this because... (thinking of very unkind thoughts about them). in all fairness, when you see a grievance and its your fault, you should do the right thing and make amends. in this case, the devs made a mistake but will they make it up to those they dropped the ball on?

    3) for pete's sake use common sense, match clans according to number of warring members also not just strength. by this i mean don't match my clan with a clan that has more or less than 5 members than my clan. if we have 57 members warring then match us with a clan that has 52-62 members.
  2. No...
    1) no
    2) no
    3) didn't bother reading... so no.
  3. If you think you know so much, then go to ATA Inc. and do the stuff yourself.
  4. lol, 2 posts from dumb and dumber
  5. @unstoppableTIGER:

    The problem with matchups is that:

    They can never be perfect. Unless most, if not all active clans joined the Estoc Wars, I fear that you won't see fair match ups.


    That instantly curses your three points. :p
  6. Round of applause for that glorious insult.
  7. 1.) Would create rage among the quitting clans, as they'd only want to have an upper hand in battle.
    2.) Can be avoided if matchups were better.
    3.) It's not the developers' problem. If few within the community participate, then matchups are bad.
  8. People would just reject wars until they found an easy one.
  9. I agree!! We are outmatched 67-46, by 21!!!! People posting this and hating on OP need to wake up, stop talking about stuff you don't know about.

    We were matched with a clan with equal strength rank, and 21 more members for them.
    Even if we were MUCH stronger, 21 extra bars of troops and spies is IMPOSSIBLE to compete with
  10. Hey OP... there's this thing called system wars, yeah? You can CHOOSE YOUR OPPONENT :eek:
  11. I think the match ups suck too, but if you don't like how they are, just stop warring until the devs fix them.
  12. Ok, you get to see the match before you waste the mith. You should of known you guys where going to lose and not waste the mith like a punk. This is a war game it's not there problem that you and your clan cannot coordinate to win. So stop complainting and play. The Devs owe us nothing as this is a "Free" game.
  13. You spent time, they cant refund that.
  14. :lol: somebody didn't agree with you and that makes them dumb ?
  15. You chose to spend your time playing a video game. For once in life take responsibility for your own actions. The devs do there best and if you think they don't. Go try to run your own Online Video Game.
  16. again, most ppl will not refuse a match if they think the clans are somewhat matched. and most ppl like a good war not an easy one because its no fun fighting easy wars and its also no fun fighting a war where you have no chance. personally if u just want to fight easy wars, then i guess your not much of a kaw fighter.

    i have to admit that in most instances devs have done a good job at matches, but i've been in 2 wars where the match was horrible. and in both cases it involved being matched with a clan where they outnumbered us by 20 ppl at least. i do feel that no clan should be matched with another clan that has more or less then 5 members.
  17. I've played over games with that system you say we should have implemented and truth be told that is what happens.
  18. The problem with the match up is you was number 2 in strength and hgl number 1 in strength. So if you hadn't faced hgl, you would of probably been in the opersite position and be dominating another clan. In which case another clan would of been complaining saying your to strong. Swings and round abouts it's not fun for either clan but it is what it is, a war game.
  19. Ok then 431 rank vs 54 rank strength or 63 vs 43 members pick a side to be on the loss is tremendous even though you try to fight wait till your in a unfair matchup before you troll ee system is made for top clans that are established. Whole paragraph not grammer school lmfao
  20. Not sure if any one mentioned this, but you don't HAVE to mith up.

    You know who you are going up against by the time you mith up, so if you don't like the match, don't "waste" the mith.