war commanders

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Gleam, May 28, 2012.

  1. I saw a post asking ab wat war cmdr do. I wanted to add my comments but most prob ppl will complain ab the long post...

    so I'm posting it as a new thread. It's not a guide, I'm not gd enough to write one. But here's Some personal opinions from my limited experience. Ppl will post complaints and argue the credibility and feasibility of my take so do note this is not a guide. Feel free to post yr own comments regarding the job of a war cmdr.

    War cmdr sometimes is the one to organize wars. He hav the responsibility to exercise judgement on choosing an appropriate clan of the right size and stats. Closely matched the rosters and arrange merc to create a fair and challenging fight to both side

    Spell out all the conditions and rules of war. I usually emphasize to both sides that spy builds holding allies are to bear the risk of 3rd party hires.

    Arrange the date and timing. The balancing act is arrange it so most of yr guys can be active while the opponent clan is still comfy wi.

    Remind, wall, pm and remind all participants and merc to report on time b4 roster locked, best 24hrs b4 hand. In case anyone can't make it last min u will hav to find replacement. Not all merc will report in time responsibly so best give them a wall reminder

    For sys war, war cmdr shd control entries of our roster. Only send out ppl u sure will be active for at least the nex few hours. Sometimes our spies need to focus on ass, other times when opponents all ffp, they need to steal. War cmdr can advice on tat.

    B4 war start war cmdr shd hav studied opponent clan war history and merc record. Single out those top plunderer regulars and put pressure on them once they comes in. Remind our roster to constant sb active osf, assign ppl to sit on pinned opponent etc. I always preferred to hav 10 pinned targets to sit on rather than 30 weaken targets

    War cmdr could also issue priority targets. Opponent top plunderers, active osf, hybrid hitters, hansels who did not sp atk troop, players low In pro pack, those without spell, little equipments or low bfa all mean ez targets

    Last but most importantly, war cmdr needs to take note of plunder leaks. By leaks I'm referring to spy builds wi gold out and members who joined war with little battle won but Wi hi proportion of lost battles. Lower stats tends to be pinning targets thus naturally will hav more loses.

    Hansel and hitter builds can't leak much Cus u can only hit them till their troop is lower than 20% and they will dtw. And from there u can only get 2,3 hits out of them every regen. The REAL leaks come from pure spies osf who did not clear gold while stealing or had allies hired. Needless to say its pw for opponents. If opponent clan hav a suddenly jump in plunder most of the time it due to osf leaking and war cmdr must investigate the source. (war cmdr and admins shd hav checked periodically in the first place eg. lost count checks)

    In round it up, let's touch on kicking own members off roster. Leaking osf shd be kicked no arguments. Possible lost from opened osf is too furious
  2. Possible lost from opened osf is too furious
  3. Strange it's not posting properly
  4. Possible lost from opened osf is too furious
  5. Possible lost from opened osf is too furious
  6. Wtf the second half can't be posted lol
  7. Don't use the and or plus signs.
  8. TL;DR

  9. Now the error message says my post hav too little characters
  10. Possible lost from opened osf is too furious
  11. And it keep posting the same line despite me trying to get the second part in.....
  12. Hmmm maybe a mod can advice? I copy paste from my note pad and somehow it did not paste properly
  13. @blood- DO NOT post the 'and' or 'plus' sign! It takes out everything after that sign
  14. Possible lost from opened osf is too furious and devastating to waste even a min on investigation or argument. Wars are often lost on this.

    But I hav seen hitter builds with 20.30 lost count within 1,2 hrs on the chopping board. If a much bigger stat hit u from full bar and crystal or gang and sit on u for hours, it's normal to lose such nos within 1,2 hrs. It will be noted that this member hav, say, 50 battle won since war start. Or u know now his inactive or sleep time and he/she could be back active soon. The contribution of this member and the future plunder potential shd be considered in comparison of the lost count so far.

    Once during a merc war, A clan member of mine was almost kicked Cus he lost quite some hits during a chk. I fiercely defended against the kicking of my frd Cus I noe he's a student and now is his slp time. And it turn out He came out 7th in plunder while another osf leaked 5b to opponent over 3 plunder update going un-noticed. (actually one admin chked and post 200hits Lost count over 2 hrs but dun not sound off wtf....)

    Thus, war cmdr must weight such situation and make decisive actions. But yet again I emphasise warring in kaw is too dynamic. It's often hard and non constructive to argue in mid of the fight. War cmdr must be the bad arse to grab the reels, make decisions and steer the clan bk to the fight. Any decision or tactics is often a gd one if it gather ppl and make coordinated and organised actions.

    These are the more general aspects I shall touch on without going further in-depth. Sometimes i do the opposite to surprise the opponent. I send All the members in while opponent fighting "turtle" or I get my guys to regen, hit from hi troop when opponents expect us to ffp. I'm not going to explain or argue the rational behind such decisions. Every war cmdr shd and will hav own style. Let the war result speak for itself.
  15. Ahhh I see sorry I'm a noob. My bad for the long post 
  16. Its okay, even though theres 16 posts and you are 12 of them :|
  17. Lmao Ty totalone for pointing out this glitch. I'm a forum noob. If not there will be more than 12/16 posts which are mine 
  18. Excellent postI'm a noob and I could read it Well written.
  19. Ignore the EB warriors, grammar nazis and trolls, they don't war and have no clue what you are writing about