War Clan

Discussion in 'Wars' started by AR-15, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. I need a clan who wars regularly any suggestions?
  2. Do you want a clan that EE Wars a lot or a clan that OSWs a lot?
  3. I need one too!
  4. PLZ post this on WORLD CHAT not forms thanks
  5. ..it's called forums for the purpose of asking questions and answering them. So leave him be
  6. I need an EE clan too
  7. Chicken there is a tread that he can post on form it called asked question here

    And I don't not have a go at him just said it belong to world chat ......
  8. But he can make a post if he wants :) he needs to find a clan, not recurve critisism
  9. Yes he can but more chance of useless post is more closer to banned ..!
  10. Any way good luck finding an EE clan and hope you enjoy the game peace out 
  11. Not useless! He is asking a question! Lmao
  12. gęţ ţђę ƒęęlįŋg ţђāţ āloţ oƒ plāyęŗş āŗę looķįŋg ƒoŗ dęçęŋţ ŗęlįāblę ęę wāŗ çlāŋş į ķŋow į ām ālşo. şo wђy ŋoţ ђāvę ā ƒoŗųm ţђŗęād ƒoŗ ţђęm. ? çāŋ'ţ şęę wђy įţ bęloŋgş įŋ wç
  13. Please /lock mods useless and doesn't belong here
  14. AMBUSH WAR CLAN 
  15. We have an ambush war clan.
    Getting loyal peeps that will stick together, whether we win or lose ee war.
    If u want to be a perm. Wall me 
  16. I would like a EE clan
  17. Check S.O.T.R.A
    We havent lost in quiet a while. Not an ad just sayin :3
  18. Change your name honey booboo. Shame on your self
  19. Shadiw(did you make a typo? :/)
    That thread dill I made, is for newbs that ask questions about the game. Not requesting clans or anything like that as such. Through him writing this thread, he will get noticed more and will be able to keep links to people better than WC. He will easily navigate this thread rather than going through the pages on the questions thread.
    What I'm trying to say is, stop trying to copy when people tell the op not to post..
  20. ^