War Clan alliance☆updt☆

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IDIlrlIiIIllIllzIIllzlllIllyII, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Hello guys,

    The title make you already know what the idea is.

    Most of Clan is using alliance system. Sadly, we cant participate with our alliance on a war.

    The goal of my suggest: Make an alliance system (or a request).

    How it's work ? The Owner and Only the Owner need to receive a letter that a clan would like to be a alliance

    Why ? My idea was that we can test the team-clan war.

    The rules: Maximum of alliance will be 3
    The Owner who send the letter for an alliance will need to ask if the "#" Clans would like to join the war.

    I'm thinking if alliance will cost something.

    What happens if....

    2 clans cancel the alliance. If it is free, the alliance will be only canceled. Nothing else.

    Someone hit the alliance member. first time it will be a warning, the second will make you loose troops (I'm think about it) the 3rd, a notification will be send to the owner. Not so funny...

    Send me question and I can answer
  2. I like the idea of a multiple clan system war but i didmt understand most of the thread as wording and bad grammar has me confused on some of the finer details.
  3. What place you don't understand?
  4. Your foruming is so random. ie picture above.
  5. I'll talk about pic alliance too...
  6. Alliance wars would be quite interesting and could be a great new concept, but I do see these being ran over by the already large alliances (ie. apocalypse, zaft, wdgaf, 7ds etc.)

    But not a bad idea could use a little more details.