With the guild Hansel build getting nerfed tomorrow, I am wondering what the possible builds are out there to convert to. Please post stats of the build and what it costs to make it as well as the buildings used, thank you!
Best build from what I have seen is an attack build that has hansel mech. If they have also good bfa and bfe is a non stoppable monster.
To obtain hybrid mechanics you take your total lands ... Subtract the number oftowers and the castle ... Take that number and divide it by 4. The number left over (rounded up) is the number of spy buildings needed for hybrid mechanics.
Because you can spank a hansels ass even if they have no gold out. I love my atk heavy towered hybrid.
I'm very pleased at how my current build held up in Season 2. Started Hot and Heavy last couple weeks after schedule change and had a blast. Built to combat hansels and keep those pesky GH at bay. PM For Build Info, or Scout
Castle does count in the hybrid calculation. From experience... I know. Take total lands. Subtract towers. Multiple by 0.25 Round up. That is how many spy buildings one needs.