War builds

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *lIllIlllllIIllIIIIIllllIlIllll (01), Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Was wondering what the best build for (EE)war is.. Ive heard its guild hansel.. but theyre so small, idk how it culd be useful in war
  2. Guild hanselī€Ž
  3. Guild Hansel can ko people fast a last long hybrid just make plunder fast but knock out fast to
  4. I'm guild hansel and we are THE LEGENDS of EE wars
  5. Plunder, possible equip and BFA massive bonus, and going against smaller clans.
  6. Hansel is the best build that there has ever been ask anyone
  7. Guild hansel is fast money(in ebs) and ko in war a big hansel is also useful either way hansel is best build
  8. Tower build ;)
  9. GH with Towers!
  10. Hansel/spy defense tower
  11. Big spy with towers and bfa