War Build

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SE-ZTECH-UBK, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. I really need some help on my build.I am tired of people saying your build will leak and it would cost the war which it might not sure.But I need some help on this build I do not want to go SH/gh it is a waste of time and season 3 is almost over.So what should I add to my build feel free to scout at least once please.Thank you for reading Happy Kawing:)
  2. At least several more sdt
  3. Devs have made all builds useless other then sh and lb accounts. Hope that helps. Really hope devs wake up and fix this crap. Wars have become more and more of a joke since season 1
  4. First thing I'd do is change your banner
  5. Either spend thousands of dollars building your account and ally base, or drop all buildings and replace with SOS. Seems to be the strategy with season 3.
  6. Either put up about 2 - 2.5 mil in ADT to stop SH and 2.5 mil in SSD for same reason then build BFA or wait until your close to HFBC to war.
    Or Drop build/wait for Devs to nerf SH ๎€‘๎”ฑ

    I dropped build from 13 mil Cs and don't regret it, it's been 8 weeks and I could pretty much rebuild by now if all my allies sold.

    Really depends on how soon you want to war I suppose
  7. Dont pay any attention to mushroom. He just a noob
  8. @Salty he is speaking the truth though, isn't he?
  9. Yes๎Ž
  10. I'd change my banner so i wont get farmed for scouting
  11. What should my banner be?
  12. You could go ps
  13. I say build your spies up some more than start working on sdt
  14. Ok thx for all the help
  15. I think this thread still stands unclear.here's what you do if you want to war:

    this is only as the system is now. The mathing system is being exploited, and if you want to have a good chance to get on most war rosters, then let's face it: you have to become a sh. You should take into consideration though, that if devs at some point get their fingers out, they will fix this, and sh will maybe not be so useful anymore. You should NOT put towers up yet, this will only slow your growth, and you will have a really hard time getting to war, since your bfe want even that high.
    So if you don't want to tear down your build and become a sh, you should tear down towers and try to grow big before you put them up again.
    I am not giving you advice to actually become a sh, because it is what has ruined the warring system, but as it is right now, that's your only opportunity to join wars in the near future. However if you read on the forums about this, you will see that the devs might be about to do something to fix this whole matching issue.

    Sorry for any bad grammar, hope it helps!
  16. Since your bfe aren't even that high * sorry
  17. Long story short, stay sh and war all you like, get huge bfa, then convert to big tank.. that's how you go from low stats to bc while being able to war the whole time