War Build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SE-Phoenix-SE, May 4, 2013.

  1. What is the best war build since they changed the wars?
  2. spies still trump when pinning a player. always have.

  3. Preference, but i like atk build with high spy def.
  4. problem with that is that troops can't kill spies. i guess the towers will kill them defensively, but imho spy defense towers should be used only by people that osw frequently who also have a lot of gold invested in allies.
  5. @Wordwaster-With like 500k spy atk you can still sct most builds and the towers make you hard to ko with asns. High plunder and a hard ko.
  6. That was ee, but i agree with osw. Alot of towers arent needed if you have less then a few.hundro bil in allies.
  7. Very true