War Banter Discussion

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. Earlier today, a statless alt posted a statement, with an identical locked double post that is still visible in active topics in regard to the current state of ZAFT.

    This post was very pro-ZAFT in nature, and contained some very anti-KOTFE jargon. Some KOTFE and APOC took exception, and individuals from LR and other involved war parties began to throw shots. Even people not involved in the war began to throw shots. It was almost awesome. Then it was deleted without warning. This is done by ATA, and usually for a number of reasons. We won't get into that just yet.

    My question is this: Is war banter acceptable behavior in todays KAW forums?

    I have my opinions, and they are just that. Only mine. Lately, I feel the sensitivity level in the game has reached a level that would warrant the app to change its name from Kingdoms At War to Kingdoms At Friendly Disagreement. Any "war", in my opinion comes with negative feelings due to the competitiveness of humans in general. It is a game, I get it, but that banter is now being discouraged.

    Most phone apps are not hard. There is no true loss. KAW has loss. A true feeling of panic when you don't play. Fear of being stripped, and facing ridicule in that loss. That feeling is really the draw of this game.

    This post was well thought out, direct, but not against the TOU in my opinion. If the OP had asked it to be removed, why leave the double post on there? Get on that. If it was the comments that caused that thread to be deleted, then, wow.

    I was upset to see LR's new forums representative gonged within a couple hours. I invite her back to tell us more of her insight.

    I invite ZAFT, and any other warring parties in the APOC vs ZAFT OSW that has been running for over a year now to debate the legitimacy of the comments made in regard to ZAFT's alleged undefeated streak.

    But, please...be nice.

  2. Interesting fact: if your reading a thread as it's deleted and click for the next page it will say something akin to "your not allowed in this part if forums"

    I speculate from this that the devs do not " delete" threads, rather make them invisible to us. I bet they have an archive of deliciously edgy threads saved away for rainy days.
  3. Op stat's are so 2014
  4. I miss the days of classic osw threads. The days when Phil used to have two and three threads going at a time.

    I'm all for a good osw thread if it's kept within ToU. Unfortunately these days, they're filled with cheating allegations like mad. If it were one or two they can be cleaned out but when only one post per page is within the ToU then we have issues.

    Please remember this all, the ToU and RoC say no public allegations of cheating. That means none, whether they are true or not.

    I would love to see an osw thread in active topics again, so please keep those posts within the ToU and RoC!
  5. What do u mean is war banter acceptable? Acceptable to who? The 25 trolls who still post here?
  6. Well this is funny, bc i was accused of using the gold exploit back in the day in a thread by osiris and apple girl.....yet no warning or ban, i can bump the thread of youd like. Still there
  7. War banter is a crime and should be punished.

    Absolutely appauling behavior.


    True and utter degenerates ruining this beautiful place we call KaW.

    War banter should be called war bullying because it herts people's feelings.

    You should be ashamed op.

    It's dreadful that people are capable of such foul acts.

    Being so rude to each other on a crappy mobile game, should be asshammed.
  8. So is your clan.
  9. 
  10. R.i.p kaw
  11. ZAFT has been defeated. ZAFT doesn't really even exist anymore. Just a few ragtag rebels that hold on to the ZAFT name.

    I wouldn't be surprised if it was found out that Fury does most of the shot calling for the ZAFT remnants.

    To all who think Fury is actually a ZAFT Clan, notice that they never changed thier name to ZAFT Fury. Call one of them a Zafty and see how they react, Its great fun.

    Fury are the overlords of the ZAFT rebels. When all this over, if they survive, i bet that any ZAFT account worth anything will assimilate into Fury and the ZAFT name will be forgotten.
  12. When in the history of this game has zaft ever been an underdog? (Not until this current war have they ever been this badly beaten)

    I remember when I was a couple months into this game how zaft members would use their clans name to threaten and farm non pvp EB accounts for no reason. Zaft would put multiple accounts to sit on a person just because they had the numbers and strength to do it. Then they would hit the clan owners and admins until they kicked the person.

    That is the reason I joined Apoc a few years ago. And I'm proud to be apart of the downfall of the zaft alliance.

    This thread by Sucker is nothing more than a desperate plea to recruit new members to help zaft fight their war. This "sucker" thinks he's making zaft look like they are standing tall and proud while fighting an honorable fight.

    Truth is, we can't make people go inactive. We can't stop them logging on and making a few comments as if they are actively fighting back. Yes they do have some good fighters on their side. But compare what zaft was before the war to what they are today. They are fighting on their knees.

    That's where the truth is. Zaft is dropped down the leaderboards in many ways.

    Nice try sucker. Post with your main next time. Don't be embarrassed to represent your alliance.

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  13. Neat stuff until you had to be a weirdo and post those stupid banner thingies at the end.

    Edit: Don't you realise apoc are exactly the same now?

  14. except that is what apoc now does. in the last 6 months I've not seen 1 apoc member honor 1v1. instead its they start a fight usually over ally hire sometimes something as stupid as a wall post about keeping the ally. then apoc member farms. the side being farmed gets told it will stay 1v1 then is stripped 2 days later. you've become what you're fighting. *waits for the " you're butthurt comments"* *replies handle 1v1 without bringing your alliance into it and you won't be disrespected*
  15. No OSW banter = No outlet for butthurt or anger or information for people not involved.

    Censoring OSW banter on the forums is almost like saying: "Hey you there! NO DRAMA ALLOWED".

    What is Kaw without drama?

    Forum banter is much better than WC banter cause there aren't 5+ ads between each post and there is no letter limit, plus you can always go back a few pages and read the wall of text/butthurt.

    I'm all for OSW banter on the forums.
    Just no running with scissors.
  16. On the topic of osw, and the idea of big alliances ultimately stagnating pvp.
    It seems like I've seen around 3 or 4 new osw clans formed in the last few months with seemingly no ties to a larger alliance.
    If that's true then It seems like pvp is well and alive. (Admittedly I'm not informed)

    The only way I know anything is from forum warring. Keep the banter alive!
  17. Bacon,

    you wouldn't believe how many 1v1 we honor. It's when them morons come out talking crap about the whole clan that cause others to hit as well.

    We have a rule. Handle your 1v1. When you have em tracked and have the funds, let us know when you wanna strip and we will throw fb steals at em.

    You've helped stripped many people, I'm sure. You know that 1 person won't put much a of dent in a strip. It takes 1000's of wins to clear a strip. So of course, we help out in stripping a 1v1. But we won't fund it or join the 1v1 unless the person starts insulting others. (Which happens quite often. (( a lot of morons in KaW)))

    And Jackson, I'll be a weirdo again. I don't mind being proud of my clan. And by the way. You look good naked??



    And I'm off. Not much of a forum talker. Just tired of seeing these sick zafties and their alts talk of their hallucinations of how well they are doing in this war.
  18. that's a load of crap the strips I'm referring to were only done based off simple inc....no trash talking just protecting our members from one of yours that was 4x his size when he's the one who started it. but let's say for the sake of argument stripping is apart of 1v1, if we decided to retaliate with a strip would that not for sure bring down the whole alliance on us? if you say no you're either a liar or just ignorant.
  19. New Age has a nice CF thread recently. And it hasn't broken any ToU. Osw threads should be more like that.

    Not about someone weight or looks outside of the game. Insults should be kept within the game. " your clan sucks because you Cf'd too...." <--- acceptable. " Your clan sucks because your leader is old and fat irl" <-- not acceptable.

    People have taken things waaaaaay too personal. Remember it's a game. Keep insults within the game and stay classy. Make fun of runners, fail strips, and failing HtE. Don't make fun of someone size, gender, or race.

    The way people act in this game has been going downhill.
  20. Oh no! One can't act like a badass words warrior. Terrible.