War and ee

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by PURE_KOTFE, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. How do u get a no match and lose ur ee? Its not our fault we didn't get matched.. Its devs that make matches w programming.. So please devs respond to this Ty.
  2. Lost my ee4 do to not getting matched. ...crazy not our fault
  3. If you want devs to respond then email support@athinkingape.com and request a lock.
    Or, if you want to continue being a whiney little git, making a thread that has been made hundreds of times prior, and seeking the attention and sorrows of forums, carry on.
  4. Alternatively you could say, why would someone possibly wait until the last possible minute to renew their EE? The spell is good for slightly over two weeks

    If you failed to plan -- that's on you.

    If you had some tragic occurrence in your life and were only able to make it back at the last possible moment to renew EE -- than you need to seriously rethink your priorities in life vis a vis a tap - tap game.

    If life just got too busy -- welcome to the real world.

    If you were one of the many who only war once every two weeks just to renew EE -- no matches are the risk you take.

    Deal with it.
  5. Didn't happen to me but I though was valid enough to put in forums And no ones whining believe me. RL is priority so if made the sign up time at lvl 4-5 its an issue when u don't get matched. That's what I think.Im sure devs appreciate players with dedication and loyalty to game.... Which is hard to find in anything.
  6. Best is to war 2-3 days before the spell expires, and not the last minute war. Ee spell doesn't renew if you get a no match otherwise players will deliberately make rosters that guarantee them a no match just for the purpose of renewing their spells. Don't blame the Devs, blame past behaviors of players that exploited that loop hole.
  7. You could do that in primal, but you cannot in LL wars since they are random clans matched lel
  8. Oh man the Devs screwed up a war?

  9. Prime 
  10. Says the person who made a thread to stop farming.  Speaking of whiney little gits lol
  11. And whiny? I see my nf is empty there Rpl sir type a lot.