war 8

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Sportspro22-, Oct 13, 2013.

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  1. In the first 5 minutes of the war I was scouting and on one scout the report (the part where it tells you what buildings the opponent has) that part showed up in Chinese! It was for only one scout but I thought it was pretty funny I didn't get a SS of it though because in war you need to be fast. No time to take pictures I did look out for it throughout the war and it didn't happen again.
  2. Same.hapened to me. Im perm silenced want to talk bought it.do it herdhere
  3. How many times did it happen to you?
  4. Couple times. U and u can view a post ive put on here named bad glitch if u want to see what people r saying and if u figer out anything let me know plz.
  5. Sent link to this thread to support to get this checked out. Thank you.
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