
Discussion in 'Wars' started by BC_xXIi_KnC-Audi_iIXx, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. There should be like an allstar war for smaller players and cutoff could be when you go to leaders you have to unranked so its like noob allstar war lol
  2. There is, just not dev organized. Dev organized wud b nice tho
  3. Yea thats what im looking for a dev organized event or it kinda just falls apart
  4. Or the small ppl war turns into lb war somehow lop
  5. Yea because nobody besides the devs can regulate it and truely organize it in a good way
  6. As long as there's achievements or anything,

    Expect the leaderboard to pop in, somehow ;)
  7. There should be a non lb chat lol so we could do it in private lol
  8. It was called the Junior All Star War, and it didn't seem to be well received.
  9. That was poorly organized and didnt work very well though
  10. With new war system there should be regular non lb wars and lb wars butthen also jist regular clan wars
  11. Welcome to war rtf 
  12. Dtw already  wants war but hits EBs
  13. There was but no organization at all, check out clan blood and bacon, technically won this year.

     BaB 