Want a free upgrade ? Farm a -wig-

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *BadVoodoo (01), Mar 7, 2012.

  1. That's right I would like to thank whitedeath-ace-74 for helping me upgrade :D

    As its BL Wednesday why not make it free upgrade day when u have a failed strip and use it to upgrade :D

    Ps there bark is worse than there bite

    Also no no and NO we will not kick any members now please run along now and happy kawing!!!

    also go voodoo !!!
  2. You seem to be the only one barking. Why don't you just fight them instead of boring everyone with your crappy thread?
  3. Lol --

    This thread is a perfect example of how to ruin your KaW career.
  4. Upgrade what a forge? Go give yourself a pat on the back mate. Be proud
  5. I've never had my own butt hurt thread before. Time for a speech. I would like to thank BadVoodoo and his clan of noobs and their one oaf. I would also like to thank sophmania and HairyLemon for inspiring me to keep going. Also yesterday when I first started farming your clan ,if you want to call it that, already two people have left. And about farming me.

    If that's winning than yes I am a loser.

    I'm glad you finally got to upgrade. I hired a 800 mil ally and all you got to do with that money was build a stable? Where did the rest of your ally's go. U mad bro?
  6. You called me a coward and a little kid. I'm the one that posts on walls, has a allies, can keep a clan for 3 days, and can say something to someone's face.
  7. Come at me BadVoodoo
     -WiG- 
  8. Owned hahaha
  9. Lol.. It's not a free upgrade if you still have to pay for the upgrade (/).-)
  10. Fb/1 whitedeath-ace-74 ass np
    Fb/1 whitedeath-ace-74 att np
    And will keep hitting until an apology is given
  11. You failed everytime. Am i supposed to threatend by your fails? OH NO PLEASE DONT LOSE!!!
    :lol: n00b
  12. Oh god I hate alts that trash talk
  13. Oooh I want in on this!
  14. Ur such a noob
  15. Hey op ask hairy and soph to unblock me
  16. Op is blind stupid, attacks a guy triple resize of him.
  17. ive been hiting ig all day and still no free upgrade what am i doing wrong?
  18. No Sokar, see first of all, you need to win, and second of all, you have to not be 24/7 pinned.