Wall art piz :)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xAsuna, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. I love wallart if u have the time can u make me wall art on my wall 
  2. 
  3. Forums is not the place to ask for wall art..

    And if it was, Strategy is not the place to do it.
  4. ^ Double negative equals a positive?
  5. It wasn't a double negative.

    They were just two negatives.
  6. You just got mellowned.
    "I try my shirts off"
    -SA- Winning since 09
  7. Hey, i like math. >:c
  8. Dumb thread lockCongrads your thread has just been posted by 1t44u
  9. o_O

    T1, when you post, the thread dies