Wall Art Made For You!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ___Solange___, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. I love makeing wall art names and clan names. I charge a very cheap price. No more than 10b a Art. If interested please wall me and follow and we can work out an arrangement!!! My wall has a small collection of my work.
  2. ║╓╓╖╥╓╖╓╖ ╥╖╓╖╥╖ ╖╥╓╓╖║║╓╖╓╖
    ║╢║╢║╟╴║╥ ║║╟╴║╢ ║║║╟╴║╫╟╴║║
    ║╙║╙╨╙╜╙╜ ╨╜╙╜║╙ ╙╨╜╙╜╙║╙╜║╙
  3. ╓╖ ╥ ╓╖ ║╓ ╖╓  Smell 
    ║║ ║ ║║ ║╢ ╙╢  My 
    ╟╜ ╨ ║╙ ║╙ ╙╜  Finger 
  4. ╖ ╓╖ ╖ ╖ ╖╓ ╓╖ ╓╖ ╓ ╓╖
    ║ ╙╢ ║ ║ ╙╫ ╙╖ ╟╢ ║ ║║
    ╨ ╙╜ ╨ ╨ ╴╨ ╙╜ ╜╙ ╙ ╟╜
  5. ◤╓╖╥╓║╓ ★ ║╖╓╓╖ ★ ║╓╖╓╖║╓║╓╖║◥
    ■║║║║║╢ ⇦ ╫╟╢╟╜ ⇨ ╫╟╢║║║╢║╟╜╫★
    ◣╜║╨╙║╙ ★ ║╜╙╙╜ ★ ║╜╙║╙║╙╙╙╜║◢
  6. ╓╖╥╓╖╓╖╓╖╖╓╓╖╖╥╓╓╖╥╓╖║
    LEVEL 50 RANCOR
  7. ╓╖╥ ╥╖ ╥║╓ ╥╖ ╓╓╖╥╖╓ ╥╖
    ╙╖║ ║╢ ║║╢ ╟╴ ╟║║║╢║ ╟╴
    ╙╜║ ╜╙ ╨║╙ ╨╜ ║╙╜╜╙╙ ╨╜
  8. ◤╓╖╖╓║╖╓╓╖╓╖ ★ ║╖╓╓╖ ★ ║╓╖╓╖║╓◥
    █╙╖╙╢║║║╟╴║╢  ╫╟╢╟╜  ╫╟╢║║║╢█
    ◣╙╜╙╜╙╙╜╙╜║╙ ★ ║╜╙╙╜ ★ ║╜╙║╙║╙◢
  9. ╓╖╓╖║╓╖╓╖╓╖╓╖ Back
    ╙╖║║║╟╢║║║╥╟╜ The ****
    ╙╜╙╜╙║╙║╙╙╜╙╜ Up!!!
  10. I make wall arts for free..
  11. U make any free ones?
  12. ║╓╓╖╥╓╖╓╖ ╥╖╓╖╥╖ ╖╥╓╓╖║║╓╖╓╖
    ║╢║╢║╟╴║╥ ║║╟╴║╢ ║║║╟╴║╫╟╴║║
    ║╙║╙╨╙╜╙╜ ╨╜╙╜║╙ ╙╨╜╙╜╙║╙╜║╙
  13. Huehuehue
  14. Sol is this a joke to get farms?
  15. ╓╖╖╓╓╖╓╖║  ╓╖╓╖╖╓╓╖╥╖
    ║╥╟╢║║╙╖╫  ╙╖║║║║╟╢║║
    ╙╜╜╙╙╜╙╜║  ╙╜╙╢╙╜╜╙╨╜
  16. Hahahahahaha

    GL with selling your arts...


    Btw I made some arts on my own and I didn't sold an art for anything else than friendship...
    This is the best you can find here ;)
  17. You get more than what you pay for imo, it's not a high price and i have no problem paying cause i know it'll keep the gold circulating...not to
    mention upgrades are far away and my gold is getting unused ;) lol

  18. ╖╥║╥╓╖╥╖╓╖╖╥║╓╖
  19. ╖╓╓╖╓╖╓╖╓╖╓╖╓╖╓╓╖
  20. Mine is better, Vengeance.