Seriously, 15 minutes a lot can happen in real life, not saying anything excessive is gonna happen during those fifteen minutes but when it's late and my clan is starting up and EB and I haven't been on all day so I'm waiting just to get some hits, I wanna get some hits before I fall asleep. Say, why don't we have an item that has a 5-10% drop rate for anything that reduces the timer? Every member who wants to use their said time reducing timer can go on the clan page, then the EB page and have a box that you can select to use a reducer. Each member is only allowed to use ONE, and each time reducer takes off ONE minute. Not too sure how it can apply to Wars, but maybe have a collaborative one for Wars where both sides have a collective timer that can be reduced (I've only been in one or two wars and that was like 2 years ago so I don't remember). You don't have to support the war idea, but the EB one I would definitely want because I'm not gonna wait 15 minutes for something that doesn't need that much preparation, even if it means I regen some troops 3 times.
I'm a volunteer firefighter, more than once I've started an hte or rotwb well expecting to use a horn or seal, and gotten an emergency call. This in turn has left it to be ff"d or make someone else buy/use one they hadn't intended. It's rare but it happens. So for this reason I wouldn't mind seeing it lowered but otherwise really don't care. Just my 2 cents on the matter.
No support No support No support No support Why? HTE. If you want to unload regularly enslave someone to wall/pm you every time an eb starts.
I support should be up to clan owner to set start time for ebs Min 5 to Max15 min wait time. I am also on call. and to wast 15 min of millions of peoples time. 5 or more times a day adds up by the end of the day. No reason for this to continue
No support Then it would be b2b warbeast for farming eggs because you would do them fast in huge groups
Can't say i do or don't support this as all above no support comments are right to a certain extent but then again what if the timer left at 15 mins from Warbeasts to Haunting - The Escape and take off from Talons of Carnage to The Sleeping Giant that way everyone can be happy and no-one will be able to farm the weaker ebs when there's events running :lol:
This timer always gets complained about when an event is on, if you want maximum eggs follow the plan that pandageorge did and run the tour de KaW. Either way the timer stays, most of you probably don't remember the 16 hour pre pwar timer
@Rik true there was a long waiting time but however a fair few clans had two pwar clans running in between so there was never a huge wait. The 15 minute time between ebs is good because there should always be some sort of waiting time.