So my son just went in for oral/dental surgery. Should be in there at least 2 hours. My question to you is, how can I possibly spend my 2 hours? I've already ate lunch, there is nothing to do and I'm not allowed to leave the hospital, as he is a minor. Also, have you ever had to wait in a hospital for a relative to have surgery? If so, what did you do because hospitals are boring. No coloring books. No tv. No video games. No anything fun or anything to keep me busy.
You could have used that time to use bbcodes . Should've added at least a few minutes if you made it interesting. But otherwise, play board games on your phone or something. Or come prepared next time with a book to read
I would find a wheelchair and buzz around on it. Time yourself from one end of the corridor and back and see if you can beat it on the next run. Failing that, find the Entonox
I didn't realize I wouldn't be allowed to leave. I knew that someone had to be here with him, but not that it would be assigned to solely me and that I can't switch out with my mom or his dad lol. If I would have thought about it more, I would have brought my laptop to play league or something. And board games on my phone? Is that even a thing?
I used to have solitaire but it had games in there that even the app admitted were unbeatable/had no solution
Don't have any books ATM. All my series are complete for now. Can I just complain about KaW a bit? I don't like BR eb backgrounds cause when I hit it, it has the red slashes and it makes me think I might have failed it.
Play surgeon simulator. Make a few uneven incisions, leave a surgical hammer in an open cavity, congratulate your patient on their new horn. Then actually play the app.