Warning! Rated 6/10 on the noob scale! This thread is about allies and their various uses and purposes. What is an 'Ally'? An Ally is another player who you can buy. Each player has a certain hire price, which starts at 10,000. This then goes up every time that player is hired. Each time the player is hired, he gets a certain amount of money. This amount starts at 100 for the first hire, and reaches its max at 1 Mill a hire. When you hire an Allie, that players stats are added to yours, making you even stronger. This is key when you are High Land Build Complete (HLBC) because once all buildings are full upgraded, the only way to grow is via allies. #1. Max Plunder Bonus 'Max Plunder' is something often referred to in KaW. When an Ally is hired, it adds it's stats to yours, the same occurs with plunder bonus: The more the Ally is worth, the higher the plunder bonus. Max plunder is a term of expressing a players plunder bonus at its full. So, if you owned a 6 Billion pound Ally, it would have roughly 30 million plunder bonus. When you hit an EB, it says 'Gold Earned':......... Then underneath that it says 'Ally bonus':....... Take the amount after 'Ally Bonus' and remember it. Then go to your Ally menu and view the top one. Scroll down their profile until you find the stats area. In that area it says, 'Plunder Bonus':........ If the original 'Ally Bonus' is less than the Allies 'Max Plunder Bonus', you are at max plunder. If, however, in the case of owning one Ally, the amount is the same as the allies Max Plunder Bonus, chances are that you are not at max plunder, so buy another Ally and repeat the process. If the plunder bonus is more than that of your top Ally, check all your allies and add them up until they reach the 'Plunder Bonus'. Note: Plunder Bonus will fluctuate dependant on EB's and strength of the person you are battling. So, I would get more plunder bonus from Haunting than I would from the reckoning. #2: Stats and the Ally Market. First off, the Ally market. When you visit the Ally market, you have the choice to buy other players to add to your stats. When searching for allies, it automatically takes the amount of gold you have and search's for allies in that price range. You also have the option to search in another price range or, you can search by name. When you hire an Ally, it adds their stats to yours, making you stronger. When buying allies always check that there are high stats. Finding a good Ally depends on whether they are 'active' and play a lot. But, active allies and allies with high stats that are in a low price range will often be bought very fast, an re-hiring an Ally makes you loose money, so, unless you have lots of money, my advice is to move on. When you hire an Ally, their price goes up. When someone hires that Ally off you, they buy it for more than what you originally bought it for. This results in a leftover profit which is given to you. The higher the price of the Ally, the more you will make off them. If you end up in possession of an active Ally, your stats grow much quicker, because as they grow their stats grow, and because you own them, their stats are added to yours. This results in quicker growth than normal. #3. Volleying 'Volleying' is a term used to express the occurrence of two players repeatedly hiring a player. When you get hired, you get money. The aim of volleying is to get the player lots of money quickly. Another type of volleying is called 'Drop Volleying'. This is when one player takes an Ally and drops him, lowering his price, then hires him again and drops then hires, and so on. This occurs so that the player can get 1 Mil a hire, but the volleyer does not need to find a volley partner. I suggest the other way if you want to volley someone, as drop volleying is UNBELIEVABLY expensive.
I'm glad you changed Allie to ally. But why post at all if you give yourself a 6/10? That's 60% If you were still in school.... An F
Thanks altitude, I'm glad you caught it. For the sake of finishing my last thought... "I'd say this is a fail."
Altitude, if you could se through a typo and see it as a good thread, as it's meant to be seen, I'm sure there would be a big difference in what you say
I'll give this a 4/10 Reasons you got points/lost points: Plus 1 - you had (Mostly) correct grammar. Plus 1 - you spaced out your thread into paragraphs. Plus 2 - you had correct information minus 3 - lack of BBCodes and pictures. minus 1 - minor grammatical errors. minus 2 - informational threads like this have already been made. Take this into account next time you make a thread.
Wabba, This thread while contains correct information, is poorly presented and not that useful. You could of summed up parts that people on the forum already likely knew. Instead, seemingly to seem impressive you just kept adding words. It has a major lack of color making it hard on the eye, and even if a reader didn't know what you were talking about they would have trouble finding a piece they were interested in looking up. So, Add a table of contents add color add pictures to explain what your talking about remove unuseful information add information not easily found out Any questions? Happy KaWing
Wabba, as all others, spend 3 hours on your thread to make yourself feel good when it's 100% correct and colorful.