- W A R - T O U R N A M E N T - F E E D B A C K -

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. At the request of the developers I am creating this thread to ask the KAWmunity for help providing feedback for the new Seasonal War Tournament system.
    Please share your experiences from the trial war this weekend.

    Feel free to expand upon the following Topics or post your own ideas which may be added to the list should your ideas be well supported.

    Posts such as "Loved it" / "Hated It" / "Support" / Fail" / or other posts which offer no constructive advice or commentary may be moved to another thread or deleted to keep this one easy for review.
    Off topic posts, trolling, flaming, or other violations of the Rules of Conduct will not be tolerated. Posts will be deleted and repeated acts may result in a forum ban. Keep this thread constructive.

    Topic #1 AutoJoin
    1. At current the war tournament "AutoJoins" everyone in the clan at the war start. However, this was exploited by "Applying the clan but not being accepted until after the auto join hit" This allowed you to join the clan after the roster lock but avoid being active at the start when the Autojoin happens.
    1. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Since the war AutoForfeits if the clan numbers drop below 75 active once the war starts then why bother with Autojoin. Just make sure people know they need to have 75+ people click the "Join War" button or the war will start or it will AutoForfeit for being under 75 actives at the start. This could add some "join" strategy to the war by allowing potentially 25 in actives who can join when time is right.
    Topic #2 Locked Rosters
    1. At current the rosters lock when the war starts allowing clans to merc before the war starts but after parings. Also players who have applied to the clan but not been accepted avoid the roster lock. These both completely devalue the balanced pairing system.

    1. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Rosters lock the instant you click "Join the Tournament"
      POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Rosters lock and then the clans are paired
      POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Rosters lock Automatically rejects any currently applied to the clan
    TOPIC #3 Length
    1. At current the official war tournament will be a 24 hour war across 8 weeks (once every saturday). 24 hours was picked to be fair to every timezone. However, many express concern that a 24 hour war every saturday may drastically increase the divorce rate for KAW players.

    1. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Reduced war length (i.e. 6 hour war, 12 hour ear or 18 hour war)
      POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Rotating or Random start times so each timezone has same chance for war to be favorable to their location.
      RECOMMENDATION: It may be hard but try and make sure the Tourney schedule (for at least the first couple weeks of the tourney) does not overlap any holidays

    TOPIC #4 Stripping
    1. Players in the war are made DTW to outside hits so they cannot receive support/interference from allies/enemies and unbalance the war. But stripping allies on one side to force players to flee the war to preserve their investment is a possible concern (especially as war gets close to the finals)

    1. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Block the ability to hire an ally off of a warring member by those outside the war (Note: this still allows the warring clans to strip each other)
      RECOMMENDATION: No Resetting of inactive accounts by the Developers during the war

    TOPIC #5 Reward
    1. In the last war Mithril payout was doubled. Post your ideas of what you would like to see (or not see) as reward(s) for the winning side, top earners, and/or players with most successful actions

    1. RECOMMENDATIONS: Random EB items (existing and/or new)
      RECOMMENDATIONS: Epic Battle Potions and/or Defense/SpyDefense versions of the EB Potions
      RECOMMENDATIONS: Aqua/Inferno/Gold/Nobility/Crystals/Gold
    TOPIC #6 Glitches/Improvements
    1. 1) Fix PC Glitch = not showing Active/Inactive
      2) Let iPhone show enemy clan Rank number on attack list
      3) Give the PC interface an attack list which shows just the active members (like the iPhone)
  3. I think 75 minimum members it to high

    Overall I liked it. The auto join was a bit of a killer, but hey- that's war. You expect the unexpected. Be prepared or go home. The 24h limit makes it a mad dash for plunder,as opposed to one clan getting on top and then pinning through the last leg.


    Mith payout being doubled was cool. How ever I would like to see, possibly the expansion of prizes as you progress. Ie: mith first war, mith chance of item drop in the second round, and so on and so forth until the final round truly is a battle for bragging rights and great review.


    IMO There were few. The match up system was fairly efficient and made for challenging opposition. The only one I can think of was PC users not seeing an "active in war" tag, the stripping side - it has always been a risk that an ally could be hired during war. Again- be prepared or go home.

    Thanks for listening.
  5. Nice thread I think rosters should lock then the opposing clan should be selected. I like the reward ideamore people would want to do wars this way. I don't think there should be outside stripping. 12-24 hours is fine.
  6. Review = Reward. Sorry lol
  7. Honestly if the reward was the same "mithril", I would not join the weekend wars. On my main I participated and spent 7 mithril and only received 8 back. Woohoo I earned 1 mithril, but I spent so much in pots and one of my allies was hired and I lost a few billion.

    So the overall reward was NOT worth it! Please make the bonus for winning something much more worthwhile.
  8. At some point a good reward for winning clan is an EXCLUSIVE eb for winners. Making the winning clan more profitable/useful/fun to be in.
  9. The winning clan should get 3 xstals a piece plus the mith payout. Top 10 or 20 only randomly get needed item drops.
  10. It's profitable. It was a fun experience. I love participation in this. It's a good to see players interact with each other.

    Though I can see a abuse with this system.
  11. War was over 3 hours afrer i woke up. Other clan had to many inactives who were autojoined and they ff. So dont really have an oppinion. I was at the hit squad for the war.
  12. 1)Autojoin: I think 75 active members requirement is way too high. At MG, we had trouble keeping it at 50 because of all the leaks we were kicking. I think they should nix the Autojoin option for the START of the war but rather, 75 (or hopefully fewer) members must be active by the second hour of the war. I woke up pinned and out a few allies because of the Autojoin feature, and If they'd given us a 1 hour window I think the war would have gone a lot better.

    2)Locked rosters: I like the locked rosters idea, keeps teams from mercing like they definitely would were this not in place.

    3)Length: I think 24 hours is good, fair for all time zones. If you can't be active enough to be in it every week, then do it when you can. It's not the devs fault if you can't be active enough.

    4)Stripping: I think allies should be left as is, can be hired by anyone at anytime. I'd be pissed if I found an ally I wanted and couldn't hire it because the owner was in war.

    5)Rewards: my thoughts are, we should get items that CANNOT be obtained through EBs, that give plunder bonuses. These would be permanent bonuses that do not equip/unequip and can raise your plunder per hit by up to 50%.

    6)Changes: possibly show beneath a player's name in the war roster, the amount of plunder they've raised and the amount they've lost to the enemy.

    Thanks for reading 
  13. To go deeper into why the minimum members to war is too high is some clans starting out may only have 90 players.

    Maybe the clan has 5-10 leaks and you have to kick them for a chance to win you only have 80 members left.

    Add a couple rage quits or so and boom the clan is out of war.

    The clan I was waring against which was HGL kicked the members to 53 in the clan so they wouldn't leak.
  14. I believe 75 is too high to make a minimum. Lower it to 60 that have to be active at the start and the rest can join when they feel like it.

    Reward doesn't have to be something ridiculously high like many eb noobs want but a fair gold and mith payout that cab compensate your losses plus a little more would be fair.

    I'm against any restriction of ally sales for any reason. I could come up with many scenarios why but in the end we are playing a war game so expect some risk if you war
  15. Personally I enjoyed the change of pace.

    First off I believe both sides of the war should earn a reward, not just the losing side. My clan won however, reaping the benefits, however I still felt bad for the other side who invested time and money in this rated clash.

    The topic of stripping is really the issue here. I don't find it just to have outside interference whatsoever.

    All in all, the auto join makes things interesting. If at all possible, I'd prefer keeping it that way. Makes this more intense and serious if you know what I mean. 

    The thing I wish could be changed, is more incentive to win and to keep activity admist the battle. No-one should get nothing here. If anything I feel mythril perk being doubled nice, but with the addition of this enchantment update, I could like a new element being introduced to the picture, e.g. winning clans members
  16. It was a good learning experience but the choosing of opponents did not seem fair . It would provide a better , truer war experience to go against an opponent that could be beat.

    Auto lock was confusing for many. I agree that some plan to lock roster early would stop unequal opponents and loss of players.

    As for items dropped or badges, it would be an incentive to play.... I lost a lot of gold in pots and mithril. Some payout would make me try it again.
  17. I might like it if kicked players could rejoin the war, but that could be abusable.
  18. Do not restrict ally sales in war. There are already too many who have not learned to pin themselves and buy back from gold banked in pots or have a ready list of allies to choose from when an ally sells in war.

    Haven't there already been multiple threads made on what ppl think about the test war?

    Why do the devs want feedback here but ignore the feedback given in forums on other game topics like mechanics and the current ally reset issue?

    Just some questions that this thread brought to mind. I know there will be no answers so just throwing them out there......
  19. I think they should make it so the kicked players can join back into the clan but they can only be kicked once in the first 30 minutes or so and if they go into another clan they are not allowed back in.
  20. Regarding auto join: I think it should remain to open targets to get away from snooze fest fighting from pin.

    Further: I think joining a system war while your clan is in OSW should deploy tar and feathers from your iDevice or similar smart phone / pc (whichever platform you play from) to brand you a coward. Or even the "Tar n' Feather" achievement, where you and your clan members can't hit an epic battle for 24 hours forcing you to (temporarily) grow a spine.