Hi Michael, I talked to you the other day about my transfer from Mechanical engineering at MMU to University of Manchester in Petroleum Engineering. You asked me to send you my transcript. So by transcript, do you mean my results because i'm in my first year and don't have results yet. Please clarify this for me.
WHILE MITT ROMNEY WAS GOVERNOR IN MASSACHUSETTS: The state was 47th out of 50 in job creation The debt of the state was raised 2.4 billion He left office with an approval rating of 31% He instituted a medical plan that matches Obamacare almost exactly WHILE MITT ROMNEY WAS AT BAIN CAPITAL: Countless jobs were outsourced to India Money was hidden in accounts on the Cayman Islands WHEN MITT ROMNEY "SAVED" THE SALT LAKE WINTER OLYMPICS: A HUGE government fund was needed, he somehow forgot that he had all the cash stored in his pocket. I might not vote for Obama, but I'm sure as HELL not voting for Romney
I pay my gfs moms health care. Which is y I don't want to vote for Obama. He raised the cost like 600%. Ass =>0<=… n Romney is a d bag. Why r these idiots even in office.