
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ColdWarRew, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. So as you all know T5 price is crazy expensive ... I don't want complain but I want to see your opinions. Should I finish upgrade volary one at a time and build another or....
    Votary lvl3 is around 190billion all together
  2. shut up kiddo . And don't post here again.
  3. Yes I can i already told you and j will report you to dev .
  4. I sense a yo mama fight!
  5. Noob... I didn't break the TOU
  6. You mad bruh?
  7. Someone making off topic posts can be asked to leave a thread as well.
  8. Good point... BUY THE erm, what was the thread about?
  9. Not you Kendall. Op
  10. No yo moma fight..... No..... 
  11. Wait to votary in Nov and votary for Obama
  12. Pryde could I help u?
  13. I don't get it?
  14. YO MOMMA :lol:
  15.  now I get it :lol:
  16. So he was asked to leave because he commented on how bad your grammar and spelling was? That makes perfect sense!