Volleying is basically hiring someone over and over again. If you volley someone and keep them at let's say 6 bil then you just Lost 6 bil but if u volley until 7 billion and don't keep then you probably just got 1 more billion so some people ask for volleys when they are small it is nice to do it but if you want a volley don't be overpriced
-facepalm- Each time an ally is hired, you receive 1.5% of the gold that it cost you to hire that ally. Each time an ally is bought, the price to hire the ally raises 5% Please post accurate numbers if you wish to define a term.
Lol he doesnt cost anything xD i was vollied up to 350 bil then dropped and its taken i think 2 weeks or so to have my price dropped to this and actually get hired...
If you are dropped, your hire price is 75% of your hire price pre-drop The player who drops you gets 60% of the price in which they hired you back -or- 57% of the price it would cost to hire you.